scenario_simulator_v2 C++ API
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2015 TIER IV, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
18 #include <simulation_api_schema.pb.h>
20 #include <autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/vehicle_control_command.hpp>
21 #include <autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/vehicle_state_command.hpp>
22 #include <boost/variant.hpp>
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <memory>
25 #include <optional>
26 #include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
27 #include <rosgraph_msgs/msg/clock.hpp>
30 #include <std_msgs/msg/float64.hpp>
31 #include <stdexcept>
32 #include <string>
44 #include <traffic_simulator_msgs/msg/behavior_parameter.hpp>
45 #include <utility>
48 {
50 {
51  static auto autoware() noexcept -> const std::string &
52  {
53  static const std::string name = "Autoware";
54  return name;
55  }
56 };
59 {
60 };
62 class API
63 {
64 public:
65  template <typename NodeT, typename AllocatorT = std::allocator<void>, typename... Ts>
66  explicit API(NodeT && node, const Configuration & configuration, Ts &&... xs)
67  : configuration(configuration),
68  node_parameters_(
69  rclcpp::node_interfaces::get_node_parameters_interface(std::forward<NodeT>(node))),
70  entity_manager_ptr_(
71  std::make_shared<entity::EntityManager>(node, configuration, node_parameters_)),
72  traffic_controller_ptr_(std::make_shared<traffic::TrafficController>(
73  entity_manager_ptr_->getHdmapUtils(), [this]() { return API::getEntityNames(); },
74  [this](const auto & name) { return API::getMapPose(name); },
75  [this](const auto & name) { return API::despawn(name); }, configuration.auto_sink)),
76  clock_pub_(rclcpp::create_publisher<rosgraph_msgs::msg::Clock>(
77  node, "/clock", rclcpp::QoS(rclcpp::KeepLast(1)).best_effort(),
78  rclcpp::PublisherOptionsWithAllocator<AllocatorT>())),
79  debug_marker_pub_(rclcpp::create_publisher<visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray>(
80  node, "debug_marker", rclcpp::QoS(100), rclcpp::PublisherOptionsWithAllocator<AllocatorT>())),
81  real_time_factor_subscriber(rclcpp::create_subscription<std_msgs::msg::Float64>(
82  node, "/real_time_factor", rclcpp::QoS(rclcpp::KeepLast(1)).best_effort(),
83  [this](const std_msgs::msg::Float64 & message) {
88  if ( >= 0.001) {
89  clock_.realtime_factor =;
90  simulation_api_schema::UpdateStepTimeRequest request;
91  request.set_simulation_step_time(clock_.getStepTime());
93  }
94  })),
95  clock_(node->get_parameter("use_sim_time").as_bool(), std::forward<decltype(xs)>(xs)...),
96  zeromq_client_(
97  simulation_interface::protocol, configuration.simulator_host, getZMQSocketPort(*node))
98  {
99  setVerbose(configuration.verbose);
101  if (not configuration.standalone_mode) {
102  simulation_api_schema::InitializeRequest request;
103  request.set_initialize_time(clock_.getCurrentSimulationTime());
104  request.set_lanelet2_map_path(configuration.lanelet2_map_path().string());
105  request.set_realtime_factor(clock_.realtime_factor);
106  request.set_step_time(clock_.getStepTime());
108  clock_.getCurrentRosTime(), *request.mutable_initialize_ros_time());
109  if (not {
110  throw common::SimulationError("Failed to initialize simulator by InitializeRequest");
111  }
112  }
113  }
115  template <typename Node>
116  int getZMQSocketPort(Node & node)
117  {
118  if (!node.has_parameter("port")) node.declare_parameter("port", 5555);
119  return node.get_parameter("port").as_int();
120  }
122  void closeZMQConnection() { zeromq_client_.closeConnection(); }
124  void setVerbose(const bool verbose);
126  template <typename Pose>
127  auto spawn(
128  const std::string & name, const Pose & pose,
129  const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters & parameters,
130  const std::string & behavior = VehicleBehavior::defaultBehavior(),
131  const std::string & model3d = "")
132  {
133  auto register_to_entity_manager = [&]() {
134  if (behavior == VehicleBehavior::autoware()) {
135  return entity_manager_ptr_->entityExists(name) or
136  entity_manager_ptr_->spawnEntity<entity::EgoEntity>(
137  name, pose, parameters, configuration, node_parameters_);
138  } else {
139  return entity_manager_ptr_->spawnEntity<entity::VehicleEntity>(
140  name, pose, parameters, behavior);
141  }
142  };
144  auto register_to_environment_simulator = [&]() {
145  if (configuration.standalone_mode) {
146  return true;
147  } else {
148  simulation_api_schema::SpawnVehicleEntityRequest req;
149  simulation_interface::toProto(parameters, *req.mutable_parameters());
150  req.mutable_parameters()->set_name(name);
151  req.set_asset_key(model3d);
152  simulation_interface::toProto(toMapPose(pose), *req.mutable_pose());
153  req.set_is_ego(behavior == VehicleBehavior::autoware());
155  req.set_initial_speed(0.0);
156  return;
157  }
158  };
160  return register_to_entity_manager() and register_to_environment_simulator();
161  }
163  geometry_msgs::msg::Pose toMapPose(const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose & pose) { return pose; }
165  geometry_msgs::msg::Pose toMapPose(const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::LaneletPose & pose)
166  {
167  return entity_manager_ptr_->getHdmapUtils()->toMapPose(pose).pose;
168  }
170  template <typename Pose>
171  auto spawn(
172  const std::string & name, const Pose & pose,
173  const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::PedestrianParameters & parameters,
175  const std::string & model3d = "")
176  {
177  auto register_to_entity_manager = [&]() {
178  return entity_manager_ptr_->spawnEntity<entity::PedestrianEntity>(
179  name, pose, parameters, behavior);
180  };
182  auto register_to_environment_simulator = [&]() {
183  if (configuration.standalone_mode) {
184  return true;
185  } else {
186  simulation_api_schema::SpawnPedestrianEntityRequest req;
187  simulation_interface::toProto(parameters, *req.mutable_parameters());
188  req.mutable_parameters()->set_name(name);
189  req.set_asset_key(model3d);
190  simulation_interface::toProto(toMapPose(pose), *req.mutable_pose());
191  return;
192  }
193  };
195  return register_to_entity_manager() and register_to_environment_simulator();
196  }
198  template <typename Pose>
199  auto spawn(
200  const std::string & name, const Pose & pose,
201  const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::MiscObjectParameters & parameters,
202  const std::string & model3d = "")
203  {
204  auto register_to_entity_manager = [&]() {
205  return entity_manager_ptr_->spawnEntity<entity::MiscObjectEntity>(name, pose, parameters);
206  };
208  auto register_to_environment_simulator = [&]() {
209  if (configuration.standalone_mode) {
210  return true;
211  } else {
212  simulation_api_schema::SpawnMiscObjectEntityRequest req;
213  simulation_interface::toProto(parameters, *req.mutable_parameters());
214  req.mutable_parameters()->set_name(name);
215  req.set_asset_key(model3d);
216  simulation_interface::toProto(toMapPose(pose), *req.mutable_pose());
217  return;
218  }
219  };
221  return register_to_entity_manager() and register_to_environment_simulator();
222  }
224  bool despawn(const std::string & name);
225  bool despawnEntities();
227  auto respawn(
228  const std::string & name, const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped & new_pose,
229  const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped & goal_pose) -> void;
231  auto setEntityStatus(const std::string & name, const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &) -> void;
232  auto setEntityStatus(
233  const std::string & name, const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose & map_pose,
234  const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus & action_status =
236  auto setEntityStatus(
237  const std::string & name, const CanonicalizedLaneletPose & lanelet_pose,
238  const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus & action_status =
240  auto setEntityStatus(
241  const std::string & name, const std::string & reference_entity_name,
242  const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose & relative_pose,
243  const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus & action_status =
245  auto setEntityStatus(
246  const std::string & name, const std::string & reference_entity_name,
247  const geometry_msgs::msg::Point & relative_position,
248  const geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3 & relative_rpy,
249  const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus & action_status =
252  std::optional<double> getTimeHeadway(const std::string & from, const std::string & to);
255  const simulation_api_schema::PseudoTrafficLightDetectorConfiguration &);
257  bool attachLidarSensor(const simulation_api_schema::LidarConfiguration &);
258  bool attachLidarSensor(
259  const std::string &, const double lidar_sensor_delay,
262  bool attachDetectionSensor(const simulation_api_schema::DetectionSensorConfiguration &);
264  const std::string &, double detection_sensor_range, bool detect_all_objects_in_range,
265  double pos_noise_stddev, int random_seed, double probability_of_lost,
266  double object_recognition_delay);
268  bool attachOccupancyGridSensor(const simulation_api_schema::OccupancyGridSensorConfiguration &);
270  bool updateFrame();
272  double getCurrentTime() const noexcept { return clock_.getCurrentScenarioTime(); }
274  void startNpcLogic();
276  void requestLaneChange(const std::string & name, const lanelet::Id & lanelet_id);
278  void requestLaneChange(const std::string & name, const lane_change::Direction & direction);
280  void requestLaneChange(const std::string & name, const lane_change::Parameter &);
282  void requestLaneChange(
283  const std::string & name, const lane_change::RelativeTarget & target,
284  const lane_change::TrajectoryShape trajectory_shape,
285  const lane_change::Constraint & constraint);
287  void requestLaneChange(
288  const std::string & name, const lane_change::AbsoluteTarget & target,
289  const lane_change::TrajectoryShape trajectory_shape,
290  const lane_change::Constraint & constraint);
310  auto addTrafficSource(
311  const double radius, const double rate, const double speed,
312  const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose & position,
313  const traffic::TrafficSource::Distribution & distribution,
314  const bool allow_spawn_outside_lane = false, const bool require_footprint_fitting = false,
315  const bool random_orientation = false, std::optional<int> random_seed = std::nullopt) -> void;
317  // clang-format off
319  \
324  template <typename... Ts> \
325  decltype(auto) NAME(Ts &&... xs) \
326  { \
327  assert(entity_manager_ptr_); \
328  return (*entity_manager_ptr_).NAME(std::forward<decltype(xs)>(xs)...); \
329  } \
330  static_assert(true, "")
331  // clang-format on
388 private:
389  FORWARD_TO_ENTITY_MANAGER(getDefaultMatchingDistanceForLaneletPoseCalculation);
391 public:
394  template <typename ParameterT, typename... Ts>
395  auto getROS2Parameter(Ts &&... xs) const -> decltype(auto)
396  {
397  return getParameter<ParameterT>(node_parameters_, std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
398  }
400  auto canonicalize(const LaneletPose & maybe_non_canonicalized_lanelet_pose) const
402  auto canonicalize(const EntityStatus & may_non_canonicalized_entity_status) const
405  auto toLaneletPose(const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose & map_pose, bool include_crosswalk) const
406  -> std::optional<CanonicalizedLaneletPose>;
408 private:
409  bool updateTimeInSim();
411  bool updateEntitiesStatusInSim();
413  bool updateTrafficLightsInSim();
415  const Configuration configuration;
417  const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeParametersInterface::SharedPtr node_parameters_;
419  const std::shared_ptr<entity::EntityManager> entity_manager_ptr_;
421  const std::shared_ptr<traffic::TrafficController> traffic_controller_ptr_;
423  const rclcpp::Publisher<rosgraph_msgs::msg::Clock>::SharedPtr clock_pub_;
425  const rclcpp::Publisher<visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray>::SharedPtr debug_marker_pub_;
427  const rclcpp::Subscription<std_msgs::msg::Float64>::SharedPtr real_time_factor_subscriber;
429  SimulationClock clock_;
431  zeromq::MultiClient zeromq_client_;
432 };
433 } // namespace traffic_simulator
Definition: api.hpp:318
Definition: api.hpp:63
auto spawn(const std::string &name, const Pose &pose, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::MiscObjectParameters &parameters, const std::string &model3d="")
Definition: api.hpp:199
decltype(auto) setConventionalTrafficLightConfidence(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setConventionalTrafficLightConfidence function.
Definition: api.hpp:375
decltype(auto) getHdmapUtils(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getHdmapUtils function.
Definition: api.hpp:346
decltype(auto) requestFollowTrajectory(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: requestFollowTrajectory function.
Definition: api.hpp:363
double getCurrentTime() const noexcept
Definition: api.hpp:272
decltype(auto) resetBehaviorPlugin(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: resetBehaviorPlugin function.
Definition: api.hpp:368
auto addTrafficSource(const double radius, const double rate, const double speed, const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &position, const traffic::TrafficSource::Distribution &distribution, const bool allow_spawn_outside_lane=false, const bool require_footprint_fitting=false, const bool random_orientation=false, std::optional< int > random_seed=std::nullopt) -> void
Add a traffic source to the simulation.
Definition: api.cpp:379
API(NodeT &&node, const Configuration &configuration, Ts &&... xs)
Definition: api.hpp:66
decltype(auto) isEgoSpawned(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: isEgoSpawned function.
Definition: api.hpp:357
decltype(auto) getTraveledDistance(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getTraveledDistance function.
Definition: api.hpp:353
void requestLaneChange(const std::string &name, const lanelet::Id &lanelet_id)
Definition: api.cpp:346
decltype(auto) setMapPose(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setMapPose function.
Definition: api.hpp:379
decltype(auto) setBehaviorParameter(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setBehaviorParameter function.
Definition: api.hpp:374
decltype(auto) getConventionalTrafficLight(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getConventionalTrafficLight function.
Definition: api.hpp:336
void startNpcLogic()
Definition: api.cpp:337
decltype(auto) isInLanelet(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: isInLanelet function.
Definition: api.hpp:358
decltype(auto) setDecelerationRateLimit(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setDecelerationRateLimit function.
Definition: api.hpp:377
decltype(auto) requestWalkStraight(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: requestWalkStraight function.
Definition: api.hpp:366
int getZMQSocketPort(Node &node)
Definition: api.hpp:116
decltype(auto) getBoundingBox(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getBoundingBox function.
Definition: api.hpp:335
bool attachOccupancyGridSensor(const simulation_api_schema::OccupancyGridSensorConfiguration &)
Definition: api.cpp:226
decltype(auto) resetConventionalTrafficLightPublishRate(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: resetConventionalTrafficLightPublishRate function.
Definition: api.hpp:369
decltype(auto) getStandStillDuration(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getStandStillDuration function.
Definition: api.hpp:352
decltype(auto) requestSynchronize(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: requestSynchronize function.
Definition: api.hpp:365
decltype(auto) setAccelerationLimit(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setAccelerationLimit function.
Definition: api.hpp:372
decltype(auto) resetV2ITrafficLightPublishRate(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: resetV2ITrafficLightPublishRate function.
Definition: api.hpp:370
decltype(auto) requestClearRoute(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: requestClearRoute function.
Definition: api.hpp:367
void setVerbose(const bool verbose)
Definition: api.cpp:31
decltype(auto) checkCollision(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: checkCollision function.
Definition: api.hpp:332
decltype(auto) reachPosition(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: reachPosition function.
Definition: api.hpp:356
decltype(auto) setAcceleration(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setAcceleration function.
Definition: api.hpp:371
decltype(auto) getCurrentAccel(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getCurrentAccel function.
Definition: api.hpp:338
auto getROS2Parameter(Ts &&... xs) const -> decltype(auto)
Definition: api.hpp:391
auto spawn(const std::string &name, const Pose &pose, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters &parameters, const std::string &behavior=VehicleBehavior::defaultBehavior(), const std::string &model3d="")
Definition: api.hpp:127
decltype(auto) getLinearJerk(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getLinearJerk function.
Definition: api.hpp:349
decltype(auto) getMapPoseFromRelativePose(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getMapPoseFromRelativePose function.
Definition: api.hpp:351
decltype(auto) getEntityStatusBeforeUpdate(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getEntityStatusBeforeUpdate function.
Definition: api.hpp:345
decltype(auto) getEntityStatus(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getEntityStatus function.
Definition: api.hpp:344
bool attachDetectionSensor(const simulation_api_schema::DetectionSensorConfiguration &)
Definition: api.cpp:203
decltype(auto) getV2ITrafficLights(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getV2ITrafficLights function.
Definition: api.hpp:355
std::optional< double > getTimeHeadway(const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
Definition: api.cpp:143
auto setEntityStatus(const std::string &name, const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &) -> void
Definition: api.cpp:102
auto canonicalize(const LaneletPose &maybe_non_canonicalized_lanelet_pose) const -> CanonicalizedLaneletPose
Definition: api.cpp:398
decltype(auto) getConventionalTrafficLights(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getConventionalTrafficLights function.
Definition: api.hpp:337
decltype(auto) setTwist(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setTwist function.
Definition: api.hpp:380
decltype(auto) isNpcLogicStarted(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: isNpcLogicStarted function.
Definition: api.hpp:359
decltype(auto) getCurrentAction(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getCurrentAction function.
Definition: api.hpp:339
decltype(auto) getV2ITrafficLight(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getV2ITrafficLight function.
Definition: api.hpp:354
decltype(auto) getLaneletPose(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getLaneletPose function.
Definition: api.hpp:348
auto spawn(const std::string &name, const Pose &pose, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::PedestrianParameters &parameters, const std::string &behavior=PedestrianBehavior::defaultBehavior(), const std::string &model3d="")
Definition: api.hpp:171
geometry_msgs::msg::Pose toMapPose(const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &pose)
Definition: api.hpp:163
auto respawn(const std::string &name, const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped &new_pose, const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &goal_pose) -> void
Definition: api.cpp:54
decltype(auto) laneMatchingSucceed(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: laneMatchingSucceed function.
Definition: api.hpp:360
void closeZMQConnection()
Definition: api.hpp:122
decltype(auto) getEntityNames(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getEntityNames function.
Definition: api.hpp:343
geometry_msgs::msg::Pose toMapPose(const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::LaneletPose &pose)
Definition: api.hpp:165
decltype(auto) setAccelerationRateLimit(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setAccelerationRateLimit function.
Definition: api.hpp:373
bool attachPseudoTrafficLightDetector(const simulation_api_schema::PseudoTrafficLightDetectorConfiguration &)
Definition: api.cpp:195
decltype(auto) requestSpeedChange(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: requestSpeedChange function.
Definition: api.hpp:364
decltype(auto) setLinearVelocity(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setLinearVelocity function.
Definition: api.hpp:378
decltype(auto) cancelRequest(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: cancelRequest function.
Definition: api.hpp:331
decltype(auto) setDecelerationLimit(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setDecelerationLimit function.
Definition: api.hpp:376
bool despawnEntities()
Definition: api.cpp:47
decltype(auto) setVelocityLimit(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: setVelocityLimit function.
Definition: api.hpp:381
decltype(auto) entityExists(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: entityExists function.
Definition: api.hpp:333
decltype(auto) getEntity(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getEntity function.
Definition: api.hpp:342
bool despawn(const std::string &name)
Definition: api.cpp:33
decltype(auto) getCurrentTwist(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getCurrentTwist function.
Definition: api.hpp:340
decltype(auto) activateOutOfRangeJob(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: activateOutOfRangeJob function.
Definition: api.hpp:329
bool attachLidarSensor(const simulation_api_schema::LidarConfiguration &)
Definition: api.cpp:238
decltype(auto) getEgoName(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getEgoName function.
Definition: api.hpp:341
decltype(auto) getMapPose(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getMapPose function.
Definition: api.hpp:350
decltype(auto) asFieldOperatorApplication(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: asFieldOperatorApplication function.
Definition: api.hpp:330
auto toLaneletPose(const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &map_pose, bool include_crosswalk) const -> std::optional< CanonicalizedLaneletPose >
Definition: api.cpp:412
decltype(auto) getLaneletLength(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getLaneletLength function.
Definition: api.hpp:347
decltype(auto) requestAssignRoute(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: requestAssignRoute function.
Definition: api.hpp:362
decltype(auto) getBehaviorParameter(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: getBehaviorParameter function.
Definition: api.hpp:334
bool updateFrame()
Definition: api.cpp:311
decltype(auto) requestAcquirePosition(Ts &&... xs)
Forward to arguments to the EntityManager:: requestAcquirePosition function.
Definition: api.hpp:361
Definition: simulation_clock.hpp:24
auto getCurrentRosTime() -> rclcpp::Time
Definition: simulation_clock.cpp:41
double realtime_factor
Definition: simulation_clock.hpp:49
auto getCurrentScenarioTime() const
Definition: simulation_clock.hpp:32
auto getCurrentSimulationTime() const
Definition: simulation_clock.hpp:37
auto getStepTime() const
Definition: simulation_clock.hpp:39
Definition: ego_entity.hpp:37
Definition: misc_object_entity.hpp:27
Definition: pedestrian_entity.hpp:34
Definition: vehicle_entity.hpp:37
Definition: entity_status.hpp:29
Definition: lanelet_pose.hpp:27
std::vector< std::tuple< VehicleOrPedestrianParameter, std::string, std::string, double > > Distribution
Definition: traffic_source.hpp:69
Definition: zmq_multi_client.hpp:33
void closeConnection()
Definition: zmq_multi_client.cpp:33
auto call(const simulation_api_schema::SimulationRequest &) -> simulation_api_schema::SimulationResponse
Definition: zmq_multi_client.cpp:43
void toProto(const geometry_msgs::msg::Point &p, geometry_msgs::Point &proto)
Definition: conversions.cpp:22
const TransportProtocol protocol
Definition: constants.hpp:30
Definition: cache.hpp:27
traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus constructActionStatus(double linear_vel=0, double angular_vel=0, double linear_accel=0, double angular_accel=0)
helper function for constructing action status
Definition: helper.cpp:24
Definition: helper.hpp:116
Definition: lane_change.hpp:31
Definition: lane_change.hpp:29
Definition: api.hpp:48
traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::LaneletPose LaneletPose
Definition: lanelet_pose.hpp:22
traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::EntityStatus EntityStatus
Definition: entity_status.hpp:24
Definition: junit5.hpp:25
std::string string
Definition: junit5.hpp:26
A problem occurred that interfered with the continuation of the simulation.
Definition: exception.hpp:47
Definition: configuration.hpp:30
auto lanelet2_map_path() const
Definition: configuration.hpp:138
bool standalone_mode
Definition: configuration.hpp:39
bool verbose
Definition: configuration.hpp:37
static auto autoware() noexcept -> const std::string &
Definition: api.hpp:51
static auto defaultBehavior() noexcept -> const std::string &
Definition: pedestrian_entity.hpp:56
static auto defaultBehavior() -> const std::string &
Definition: vehicle_entity.hpp:59
Definition: lane_change.hpp:44
parameters for behavior plugin
Definition: lane_change.hpp:75
class definition for the traffic controller