scenario_simulator_v2 C++ API
Public Member Functions | List of all members
traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity Class Reference

#include <ego_entity.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 EgoEntity ()=delete
 EgoEntity (const std::string &name, const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &, const std::shared_ptr< hdmap_utils::HdMapUtils > &, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters &, const Configuration &, const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeParametersInterface::SharedPtr &)
 EgoEntity (EgoEntity &&)=delete
 EgoEntity (const EgoEntity &)=delete
 ~EgoEntity () override=default
auto operator= (EgoEntity &&) -> EgoEntity &=delete
auto operator= (const EgoEntity &) -> EgoEntity &=delete
auto getCurrentAction () const -> std::string override
auto getCurrentPose () const -> const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &
auto getDefaultDynamicConstraints () const -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::DynamicConstraints &override
auto getBehaviorParameter () const -> traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::BehaviorParameter override
auto getEntityStatus (const double, const double) const -> const CanonicalizedEntityStatus
auto getEntityTypename () const -> const std::string &override
auto getObstacle () -> std::optional< traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::Obstacle > override
auto getRouteLanelets (double horizon=100) -> lanelet::Ids override
auto getWaypoints () -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::WaypointsArray override
auto updateFieldOperatorApplication () -> void
void onUpdate (double current_time, double step_time) override
void requestAcquirePosition (const CanonicalizedLaneletPose &) override
void requestAcquirePosition (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &map_pose) override
void requestAssignRoute (const std::vector< CanonicalizedLaneletPose > &) override
void requestAssignRoute (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::msg::Pose > &) override
auto requestFollowTrajectory (const std::shared_ptr< traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::PolylineTrajectory > &) -> void override
auto requestLaneChange (const lanelet::Id) -> void override
auto requestLaneChange (const lane_change::Parameter &) -> void override
auto requestSpeedChange (const double, const speed_change::Transition, const speed_change::Constraint, const bool continuous) -> void override
auto requestSpeedChange (const speed_change::RelativeTargetSpeed &, const speed_change::Transition, const speed_change::Constraint, const bool continuous) -> void override
auto requestClearRoute () -> void
auto requestReplanRoute (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped > &route) -> void
auto requestAutoModeForCooperation (const std::string &module_name, bool enable) -> void
auto isControlledBySimulator () const -> bool override
auto setControlledBySimulator (bool state) -> void override
auto setBehaviorParameter (const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::BehaviorParameter &) -> void override
void requestSpeedChange (double, bool continuous) override
void requestSpeedChange (const speed_change::RelativeTargetSpeed &target_speed, bool continuous) override
auto setVelocityLimit (double) -> void override
auto setMapPose (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &map_pose) -> void override
template<typename ParameterType >
auto setParameter (const std::string &name, const ParameterType &default_value={}) -> ParameterType
template<typename... Ts>
auto setStatus (Ts &&... xs) -> void
auto engage () -> void
auto isEngaged () const -> bool
auto isEngageable () const -> bool
auto sendCooperateCommand (const std::string &module_name, const std::string &command) -> void
auto getMinimumRiskManeuverBehaviorName () const -> std::string
auto getMinimumRiskManeuverStateName () const -> std::string
auto getEmergencyStateName () const -> std::string
auto getTurnIndicatorsCommandName () const -> std::string
- Public Member Functions inherited from traffic_simulator::entity::VehicleEntity
 VehicleEntity (const std::string &name, const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &, const std::shared_ptr< hdmap_utils::HdMapUtils > &, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters &, const std::string &plugin_name=BuiltinBehavior::defaultBehavior())
 ~VehicleEntity () override=default
void appendDebugMarker (visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray &marker_array) override
void cancelRequest () override
auto getCurrentAction () const -> std::string override
auto getDefaultDynamicConstraints () const -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::DynamicConstraints &override
auto getDefaultMatchingDistanceForLaneletPoseCalculation () const -> double override
auto getBehaviorParameter () const -> traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::BehaviorParameter override
auto getMaxAcceleration () const -> double override
auto getMaxDeceleration () const -> double override
auto getEntityTypename () const -> const std::string &override
auto getGoalPoses () -> std::vector< CanonicalizedLaneletPose > override
auto getObstacle () -> std::optional< traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::Obstacle > override
auto getRouteLanelets (double horizon=100) -> lanelet::Ids override
auto getWaypoints () -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::WaypointsArray override
auto onUpdate (const double current_time, const double step_time) -> void override
void requestAcquirePosition (const CanonicalizedLaneletPose &)
void requestAcquirePosition (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &map_pose) override
void requestAssignRoute (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::msg::Pose > &) override
void requestAssignRoute (const std::vector< CanonicalizedLaneletPose > &) override
auto requestFollowTrajectory (const std::shared_ptr< traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::PolylineTrajectory > &) -> void override
auto requestLaneChange (const lanelet::Id to_lanelet_id) -> void override
auto requestLaneChange (const traffic_simulator::lane_change::Parameter &) -> void override
void setVelocityLimit (double linear_velocity) override
void setAccelerationLimit (double acceleration) override
void setAccelerationRateLimit (double acceleration_rate) override
void setDecelerationLimit (double deceleration) override
void setDecelerationRateLimit (double deceleration_rate) override
void setBehaviorParameter (const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::BehaviorParameter &) override
void setTrafficLights (const std::shared_ptr< traffic_simulator::TrafficLightsBase > &) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from traffic_simulator::entity::EntityBase
 EntityBase (const std::string &name, const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &entity_status, const std::shared_ptr< hdmap_utils::HdMapUtils > &hdmap_utils_ptr)
 EntityBase (const EntityBase &)=delete
EntityBaseoperator= (const EntityBase &)=delete
 EntityBase (EntityBase &&) noexcept=delete
EntityBaseoperator= (EntityBase &&) noexcept=delete
virtual ~EntityBase ()=default
template<typename EntityType >
auto is () const -> bool
auto getBoundingBox () const noexcept -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::BoundingBox &
 Get BoundingBox of the entity. More...
auto getCanonicalizedStatus () const noexcept -> const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &
 Get CanonicalizedStatus of the entity. More...
auto getCanonicalizedStatusBeforeUpdate () const noexcept -> const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &
 Get CanonicalizedStatusBeforeUpdate of the entity. More...
auto getCurrentAccel () const noexcept -> const geometry_msgs::msg::Accel &
 Get CurrentAccel of the entity. More...
auto getCurrentTwist () const noexcept -> const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist &
 Get CurrentTwist of the entity. More...
auto getDynamicConstraints () const noexcept -> traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::DynamicConstraints
 Get DynamicConstraints of the entity. More...
auto getEntitySubtype () const noexcept -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::EntitySubtype &
 Get EntitySubtype of the entity. More...
auto getEntityType () const noexcept -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::EntityType &
 Get EntityType of the entity. More...
auto getLinearJerk () const noexcept -> double
 Get LinearJerk of the entity. More...
auto getMapPose () const noexcept -> const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &
 Get MapPose of the entity. More...
auto getStandStillDuration () const noexcept -> double
 Get StandStillDuration of the entity. More...
auto getTraveledDistance () const noexcept -> double
 Get TraveledDistance of the entity. More...
auto getName () const noexcept -> const std::string &
 Get Name of the entity. More...
auto get2DPolygon () const -> std::vector< geometry_msgs::msg::Point >
auto isStopped () const -> bool
auto isNearbyPosition (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &pose, const double tolerance) const -> bool
auto isNearbyPosition (const CanonicalizedLaneletPose &lanelet_pose, const double tolerance) const -> bool
auto isInLanelet () const -> bool
auto isInLanelet (const lanelet::Id lanelet_id, std::optional< double > tolerance=std::nullopt) const -> bool
auto getCanonicalizedLaneletPose () const -> std::optional< CanonicalizedLaneletPose >
auto getCanonicalizedLaneletPose (const double matching_distance) const -> std::optional< CanonicalizedLaneletPose >
virtual auto onPostUpdate (const double current_time, const double step_time) -> void
void resetDynamicConstraints ()
auto requestLaneChange (const lane_change::Direction &direction) -> void
auto requestLaneChange (const lane_change::AbsoluteTarget &target, const lane_change::TrajectoryShape trajectory_shape, const lane_change::Constraint &constraint) -> void
auto requestLaneChange (const lane_change::RelativeTarget &target, const lane_change::TrajectoryShape trajectory_shape, const lane_change::Constraint &constraint) -> void
virtual void requestWalkStraight ()
void setDynamicConstraints (const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::DynamicConstraints &constraints)
void setOtherStatus (const std::unordered_map< std::string, CanonicalizedEntityStatus > &status)
auto setCanonicalizedStatus (const CanonicalizedEntityStatus &status) -> void
virtual auto setStatus (const EntityStatus &status) -> void
virtual auto setStatus (const EntityStatus &status, const lanelet::Ids &lanelet_ids) -> void
virtual auto setStatus (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &map_pose, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus &action_status=helper::constructActionStatus()) -> void
virtual auto setStatus (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &reference_pose, const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &relative_pose, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus &action_status=helper::constructActionStatus()) -> void
virtual auto setStatus (const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &reference_pose, const geometry_msgs::msg::Point &relative_position, const geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3 &relative_rpy, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus &action_status=helper::constructActionStatus()) -> void
virtual auto setStatus (const CanonicalizedLaneletPose &canonicalized_lanelet_pose, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus &action_status=helper::constructActionStatus()) -> void
virtual auto setStatus (const LaneletPose &lanelet_pose, const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::ActionStatus &action_status=helper::constructActionStatus()) -> void
virtual auto setLinearAcceleration (const double linear_acceleration) -> void
virtual auto setLinearVelocity (const double linear_velocity) -> void
virtual auto activateOutOfRangeJob (const double min_velocity, const double max_velocity, const double min_acceleration, const double max_acceleration, const double min_jerk, const double max_jerk) -> void
auto setTwist (const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist &twist) -> void
auto setAcceleration (const geometry_msgs::msg::Accel &accel) -> void
auto setAction (const std::string &action) -> void
auto setLinearJerk (const double liner_jerk) -> void
void stopAtCurrentPosition ()
void updateEntityStatusTimestamp (const double current_time)
auto requestSynchronize (const std::string &target_name, const CanonicalizedLaneletPose &target_sync_pose, const CanonicalizedLaneletPose &entity_target, const double target_speed, const double tolerance) -> bool

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from traffic_simulator::entity::VehicleEntity
const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters vehicle_parameters
- Public Attributes inherited from traffic_simulator::entity::EntityBase
const std::string name
bool verbose
- Protected Attributes inherited from traffic_simulator::entity::EntityBase
std::shared_ptr< CanonicalizedEntityStatusstatus_
CanonicalizedEntityStatus status_before_update_
std::shared_ptr< hdmap_utils::HdMapUtilshdmap_utils_ptr_
std::shared_ptr< traffic_simulator::TrafficLightsBasetraffic_lights_
double stand_still_duration_ = 0.0
double traveled_distance_ = 0.0
double prev_job_duration_ = 0.0
double step_time_ = 0.0
std::unordered_map< std::string, CanonicalizedEntityStatusother_status_
std::optional< double > target_speed_
traffic_simulator::job::JobList job_list_
std::unique_ptr< traffic_simulator::longitudinal_speed_planning::LongitudinalSpeedPlannerspeed_planner_

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EgoEntity() [1/4]

traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::EgoEntity ( )

◆ EgoEntity() [2/4]

traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::EgoEntity ( const std::string &  name,
const CanonicalizedEntityStatus entity_status,
const std::shared_ptr< hdmap_utils::HdMapUtils > &  hdmap_utils_ptr,
const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters &  parameters,
const Configuration configuration,
const rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeParametersInterface::SharedPtr &  node_parameters 

◆ EgoEntity() [3/4]

traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::EgoEntity ( EgoEntity &&  )

◆ EgoEntity() [4/4]

traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::EgoEntity ( const EgoEntity )

◆ ~EgoEntity()

traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::~EgoEntity ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ engage()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::engage ( ) -> void

◆ getBehaviorParameter()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getBehaviorParameter ( ) const -> traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::BehaviorParameter

TODO, Input values get from autoware.

Implements traffic_simulator::entity::EntityBase.

◆ getCurrentAction()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getCurrentAction ( ) const -> std::string

◆ getCurrentPose()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getCurrentPose ( ) const -> const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &

◆ getDefaultDynamicConstraints()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getDefaultDynamicConstraints ( ) const -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::DynamicConstraints &

◆ getEmergencyStateName()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getEmergencyStateName ( ) const -> std::string

◆ getEntityStatus()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getEntityStatus ( const double  ,
const double   
) const -> const CanonicalizedEntityStatus

◆ getEntityTypename()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getEntityTypename ( ) const -> const std::string &

◆ getMinimumRiskManeuverBehaviorName()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getMinimumRiskManeuverBehaviorName ( ) const -> std::string

◆ getMinimumRiskManeuverStateName()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getMinimumRiskManeuverStateName ( ) const -> std::string

◆ getObstacle()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getObstacle ( ) -> std::optional<traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::Obstacle>

◆ getRouteLanelets()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getRouteLanelets ( double  horizon = 100) -> lanelet::Ids

◆ getTurnIndicatorsCommandName()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getTurnIndicatorsCommandName ( ) const -> std::string

◆ getWaypoints()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::getWaypoints ( ) -> const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::WaypointsArray

◆ isControlledBySimulator()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::isControlledBySimulator ( ) const -> bool

◆ isEngageable()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::isEngageable ( ) const -> bool

◆ isEngaged()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::isEngaged ( ) const -> bool

◆ onUpdate()

void traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::onUpdate ( double  current_time,
double  step_time 

◆ operator=() [1/2]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::operator= ( const EgoEntity ) -> EgoEntity &=delete

◆ operator=() [2/2]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::operator= ( EgoEntity &&  ) -> EgoEntity &=delete

◆ requestAcquirePosition() [1/2]

void traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestAcquirePosition ( const CanonicalizedLaneletPose lanelet_pose)

◆ requestAcquirePosition() [2/2]

void traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestAcquirePosition ( const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &  map_pose)

◆ requestAssignRoute() [1/2]

void traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestAssignRoute ( const std::vector< CanonicalizedLaneletPose > &  waypoints)

◆ requestAssignRoute() [2/2]

void traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestAssignRoute ( const std::vector< geometry_msgs::msg::Pose > &  waypoints)

◆ requestAutoModeForCooperation()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestAutoModeForCooperation ( const std::string &  module_name,
bool  enable 
) -> void

◆ requestClearRoute()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestClearRoute ( ) -> void

◆ requestFollowTrajectory()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestFollowTrajectory ( const std::shared_ptr< traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::PolylineTrajectory > &  parameter) -> void

◆ requestLaneChange() [1/2]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestLaneChange ( const lane_change::Parameter ) -> void

◆ requestLaneChange() [2/2]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestLaneChange ( const lanelet::Id  ) -> void

◆ requestReplanRoute()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestReplanRoute ( const std::vector< geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped > &  route) -> void

◆ requestSpeedChange() [1/4]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestSpeedChange ( const double  target_speed,
const speed_change::Transition  ,
const speed_change::Constraint  ,
const bool  continuous 
) -> void

◆ requestSpeedChange() [2/4]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestSpeedChange ( const speed_change::RelativeTargetSpeed ,
const speed_change::Transition  ,
const speed_change::Constraint  ,
const bool  continuous 
) -> void

◆ requestSpeedChange() [3/4]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestSpeedChange ( const speed_change::RelativeTargetSpeed target_speed,
bool  continuous 

◆ requestSpeedChange() [4/4]

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::requestSpeedChange ( double  value,
bool  continuous 

◆ sendCooperateCommand()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::sendCooperateCommand ( const std::string &  module_name,
const std::string &  command 
) -> void

◆ setBehaviorParameter()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::setBehaviorParameter ( const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::BehaviorParameter &  behavior_parameter) -> void

◆ setControlledBySimulator()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::setControlledBySimulator ( bool  state) -> void

◆ setMapPose()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::setMapPose ( const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &  map_pose) -> void

◆ setParameter()

template<typename ParameterType >
auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::setParameter ( const std::string &  name,
const ParameterType &  default_value = {} 
) -> ParameterType

◆ setStatus()

template<typename... Ts>
auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::setStatus ( Ts &&...  xs) -> void

◆ setVelocityLimit()

auto traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::setVelocityLimit ( double  value) -> void

◆ updateFieldOperatorApplication()

void traffic_simulator::entity::EgoEntity::updateFieldOperatorApplication ( ) -> void

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: