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How to Contribute

Everyone is welcome!

How can I get help?

Do not open issues for general support questions as we want to keep GitHub issues for confirmed bug reports. Instead, open a discussion in the Q&A category. The trouble shooting page at AWSIM and at Autoware will be also helpful.


Before you post an issue, please search Issues and Discussions Q&A catecory to check if it is not a known issue.

This page is helpful how to create an issue from a repository.

Bug report

If you find a new bug, please create an issue here

Feature request

If you propose a new feature or have an idea, please create an issue here


If you have plan to contribute AWSIM, please create an issue here.


Pull requests

If you have an idea to improve the simulation, you can submit a pull request. The following process should be followed:

  1. Create a derived branch (feature/***) from the main branch.
  2. Create a pull request to the main branch.

Please keep the following in mind, while developing new features: