2.2. Installation#
Setup for both x86-based and Jetson-based ECUs.
Internet connection is required in this step.
2.2.1. x86-based ECU#
Network settings are automatically updated.
During this procedure, IP addresses are assigned to some network interfaces (refer to the connection diagram on Hardware setup for more detail) using netplan
This behavior may cause unexpected disconnection, in case you are accessing the ECU remotely via those interfaces.
If you would like to change network interfaces or IP addresses to be assigned, edit edge-auto/ansible/playbooks/vars/edge_auto.yaml
before running setup-dev-env.sh Download the repository and setup your environment#
As a first step, clone tier4/edge-auto
and move to the directory.
git clone https://github.com/tier4/edge-auto.git
cd edge-auto
You can install the dependencies using the provided ansible script.
Finally, please reboot the system to make the installed dependencies and permission settings effective.
sudo reboot Build edge-auto#
Create your ROS workspace and clone repositories using vcstool.
cd edge-auto
mkdir src
vcs import src < autoware.repos
Install ros package dependencies and build your ROS workspace.
rosdep update
rosdep install -y --from-paths `colcon list --packages-up-to edge_auto_launch -p` --ignore-src --skip-keys autoware_launch
2.2.2. Jetson-based ECU#
This following steps can be performed from your x86-based ECU via ssh Download the repository and setup the environment#
As a first step, clone tier4/edge-auto-jetson
and move to the directory.
git clone https://github.com/tier4/edge-auto-jetson.git -b release/RQX-58G
cd edge-auto-jetson
You can install the dependencies using the provided ansible script.
During the installation process, you will be asked if you want to install the TIER IV camera driver.
If you already have the driver installed and want to skip this step, please type N
to continue.
script may take several hours.
[Warning] Do you want to install/update the TIER IV camera driver? [y/N]:
Finally, please reboot the system to make the installed dependencies and permission settings effective.
sudo reboot Build edge-auto-jetson workspace#
Create your ROS workspace and clone repositories using vcstool.
cd edge-auto-jetson
mkdir src
vcs import src < autoware.repos
Build your ROS workspace.
colcon build \
--symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE=$(which python3.6) -DCMAKE_CUDA_STANDARD=14 \
--packages-up-to edge_auto_jetson_launch
2.2.3. Update your workspace#
If you want to update cloned repositories, use the following command.
vcs import src < autoware.repos
vcs pull src
2.2.4. Modify camera exposure timing#
On the sample system introduced in Hardware setup step, this does not need to be changed.
If you want to change the exposure time of cameras for sensor synchronization, please modify the following files.
└── default
├── camera0
│ ├── trigger.param.yaml
├── camera1
│ ├── trigger.param.yaml
For more details, please refer to the tier4/sensor_trigger repository.