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Quick Start

Quick Start#

Scenario Simulator v2 with Autoware Universe#

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for building and running Scenario Simulator v2 alongside Autoware Universe. It covers the required setup and prerequisites.


  1. Ubuntu 22.04 machine
  2. ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill desktop version installed

How to build#

  1. Clone the Autoware Universe repository.

    git clone

  2. Move to the workspace directory.

    cd autoware 
    mkdir src 

  3. Import Autoware and Simulator dependencies.

    vcs import src < autoware.repos  
    vcs import src < simulator.repos


This step will install necessary dependencies, including ROS 2, if not already installed.
Make sure to confirm and agree with the licenses for NVIDIA libraries like CUDA, cuDNN, and TensorRT.

  1. Install dependent ROS packages.
    source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    rosdep install -iry --from-paths src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO


For detailed guidance on build issues and troubleshooting, please refer to the Autoware Troubleshooting Guide.

Build success As a result of running the colcon build command, all packages should be built successfully.

How to run#


  1. Move to the workspace directory.

    cd path/to/workspace

  2. Source the workspace setup script.

    source install/setup.bash

Run the examples#


ros2 launch scenario_test_runner \
architecture_type:=awf/universe/20230906 \
record:=false \
scenario:='$(find-pkg-share scenario_test_runner)/scenario/sample.yaml' \
sensor_model:=sample_sensor_kit \
Launching scenario_test_runner The process of launching the scenario_test_runner node.

Launching scenario_test_runner The expected outcome of running the scenario_test_runner node.


To modify parameters of random testing and to obtain more details about the test results and the result.junit.xml file (which is saved by default in the /tmp directory), please refer to the random_test_runner documentation.

Launching random_test_runner The process of launching the random_test_runner node.

Result of random_test_runner The expected outcome of running the random_test_runner node.

cpp scenario demo#

ros2 launch cpp_mock_scenarios \
scenario:=traffic_simulation_demo \
launch_rviz:=true timeout:=120.0
Launching cpp_mock_scenarios The process of launching the cpp_mock_scenarios node.

Result of cpp_mock_scenarios The expected outcome of running the cpp_mock_scenarios node.