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OpenSCENARIO Support#

The ROS 2 package openscenario_interpreter provides scenario-based simulation on ASAM OpenSCENARIO 1.2. This section describes the differences between our OpenSCENARIO Interpreter and the OpenSCENARIO standard set by ASAM, and the OpenSCENARIO implementation by other companies and organizations. If you want to know about OpenSCENARIO, refer to the link below.

Specific Features#

ROS 2 Launch-like substitution syntax#

Our interpreter supports some substitution syntax of the ROS 2 Launch system (a.k.a. string-interpolation). The substitution syntax works with any attribute string in OpenSCENARIO XML.

This substitution is done only once when reading the attribute. Note that the substitution result is finalized before the simulation starts, so it is not affected by the ParameterModifyAction, etc. that takes effect during the simulation.

The supported functions and their behavior are shown below.

$(find-pkg-prefix <package-name>)#

Equivalent to the following description given in ROS 2 Design (unless we made a mistake in our implementation).

Substituted by the install prefix path of the given package. Forward and backwards slashes will be resolved to the local filesystem convention. Substitution will fail if the package cannot be found.

The package specified must be a ROS 2 package.

$(var <parameter-name>)#

Replaces with an external representation of the value of the specified OpenSCENARIO parameter. The parameters you specify must be declared by ParameterDeclarations before $ (var ...) is written.


Substitute the path to the directory where the running scenario script is located.

Evaluation of nested substitution syntax#

These substitution syntaxes can be nested in any rank. The replacement is done from the inside to the outside of the nest. An example is shown below.

    <ParameterDeclaration name="map-name" parameterType="string" value="kashiwanoha"/>
    <LogicFile filepath="$(find-pkg-share $(var map-name)_map)/map/lanelet2_map.osm"/>

Implementation Dependent Behaviors#

OpenSCENARIO has the function that the detailed behavior is left to the decision of the implementation side, which is defined as "subject of a contract between simulation environment provider and scenario author".


The OpenSCENARIO standard does not define what to do if the name cannot be resolved, as quoted below.

If a reference cannot be resolved uniquely, for example if too few name prefixes have been specified to disambiguate fully, the result of the lookup is undefined.

In our interpreter, the names of the Element and Parameter are lexically scoped.

  • If you refer to an identifier that does not exist, the simulation will stop with an error.
  • If multiple identifiers with the same name are defined, the identifier reference is chosen that is closest to the lexical position where the reference occurred.
  • Defining a StoryboardElement with the same name at the same level is treated as a syntax error (In normal lexical scoping, this should be handled by shadowing, but in scenario languages it is likely a copy-and-paste mistake).


This Action is specified in the standard as follows.

Used to either issue a command to the simulation environment or start an external script. Allows the user to activate custom actions in their simulation tool.

For OpenSCENARIO interpreters implemented in scripting languages such as Python, this Action is often implemented as a call to an external script file written in the same language as the host language. However, our interpreter is implemented in C++ and we cannot simply implement such a feature. Therefore, our interpreter treats the string given in CustomCommandAction.type as a command and executes it on a subprocess, as sh does.

For example, the echo command can be written as follows:

    <CustomCommandAction type="echo">Hello, world!</CustomCommandAction>

The string given to attribute type of CustomCommandAction and the string given to its content are concatenated with whitespace and passed to the subprocess. Therefore, the following two cases have the same effect.

    <CustomCommandAction type="echo">Hello, world"</CustomCommandAction>
    <CustomCommandAction type="echo Hello, world!"/>

The effect of calling a command with CustomCommandAction is outside the control of the interpreter. Therefore, if you call a command that has a destructive effect on the system, there is no guarantee that the scenario execution can continue normally.

For portable scenarios, the use of CustomCommandAction should be avoided as much as possible or limited to the scope of POSIX.


In particular, the following usages that achieve "do nothing action" are worth special mention. Here, the colon (:) specified in the CustomCommandAction.type is the sh command is known by the name of the null-command.

    <CustomCommandAction type=":"/>

Built-in commands#

Syntax Description
type: FaultInjectionAction(<EVENT-NAME>, ...)
Same as FaultInjectionAction@v1.
type: FaultInjectionAction@v1(<EVENT-NAME>, ...)
Forward any number of event names to Autoware as ERROR level event. Events are forwarded by publishing to the tier4_simulation_msgs::msg::SimulationEvents type topic /simulation/events. In order to perform fault injection using this CustomCommandAction, Autoware must have a node that receives the above message types. Note that the simulator has no knowledge of the contents of the event name. In other words, what happens to Autoware by this CustomCommandAction depends on Autoware implementation.
type: FaultInjectionAction@v2(<ERROR-LEVEL>, <EVENT-NAME>)
Forwards a single event to Autoware with the specified error level. Same as FaultInjectionAction@v1 except that instead of specifying an error level, only one event can be specified at a time. Available error levels are OK, WARN, ERROR and STALE.
type: PseudoTrafficSignalDetectorConfidenceSetAction@v1(<LANELET-ID>, <CONFIDENCE>)
Set a confidence value for traffic light topic. This action sets the confidence value to all traffic light bulbs of specified traffic light. If you specify the traffic light by a regulatory element ID, this action sets the confidence value to all traffic lights the regulatory element refers to.
type: RequestToCooperateCommandAction@v1(<MODULE-NAME>, <COMMAND>)
Send an ACTIVATE / DEACTIVATE command to the module publishing a valid request to cooperate. If the send fails, throw an exception to fail the scenario.
type: V2ITrafficSignalStateAction(<LANELET-ID>, <STATE>, \
TrafficSignalStateAction for V2I traffic signal. You can optionally specify the publish rate of the traffic signal topic, but otherwise the functionality is the same as TrafficSignalStateAction.
type: WalkStraightAction(<ENTITY-REF>, ...)
Make pedestrian entities walk straight without a target.
type: exitFailure
Immediately terminates the simulation as a failure.
type: exitSuccess
Immediately terminates the simulation as successful.

The termination ignores the StoryboardElement's lifecycle transition (that is, it means that StoryboardElementStateCondition cannot be used to prevent or detect the execution of this command).

The terminated scenario determines the final success / failure / error.

Currently, simulation results are notified by simply writing to standard output as text. This notification method is temporary and will change in the near future.

The following built-in commands are debug commands for interpreter developers, not scenario creators. It is unlikely that you will need these commands for normal scenario creation.

Name Effect
error Generate internal error: Used to ensure that the simulator does not crash with an internal error.
sigsegv Access a null pointer: Used to make sure the simulator does not crash with an internal error.


This condition enables us to import external values and compare them with a specific value. The boolean value of the comparison result can be used as a condition to control the scenario. In scenario_simulator_v2, we use UserDefinedValueCondition to control the progress of the scenario by Autoware's state.

     <UserDefinedValueCondition name="ego.currentState" rule="equalTo" value="ARRIVED_GOAL" />

Built-in conditions#

Like "currentState", the conditions start with "current" return Autoware-related conditions. And like "ego.currentState", they can specify the entity reference by prepending the name of the entity

The following built-in conditions return a string that represents the state. See Reference for specific strings.

Name Syntax Description
currentState <ENTITY-REF>.currentState Returns Autoware's state. <ENTITY-REF> must be the name of Vehicle with ObjectController's property isEgo set to true.
currentEmergencyState <ENTITY-REF>.currentEmergencyState Returns Autoware's emergency state. <ENTITY-REF> must be the name of Vehicle with ObjectController's property isEgo set to true.
currentTurnIndicatorsState <ENTITY-REF>.currentTurnIndicatorsState Returns Autoware's turn indicators state. <ENTITY-REF> must be the name of Vehicle with ObjectController's property isEgo set to true.
RelativeHeadingCondition RelativeHeadingCondition(<ENTITY-REF>)
RelativeHeadingCondition(<ENTITY-REF>, <LANE-ID>, <S>)
Returns the relative angle to the lane heading.

External ROS 2 topic condition#

You can pass values from another ROS 2 node to a scenario through ROS 2 topics. The name field should be filled with the name of the ROS 2 topic like below.

     <UserDefinedValueCondition name="/count_up" rule="equalTo" value="500" />

The type of topic must be tier4_simulation_msgs::msg::UserDefinedValue type. You can handle the following through this function.

  • Boolean
  • DateTime
  • Double
  • Integer
  • String
  • UnsignedInt
  • UnsignedShort

See Message Definitions for more information.

Non-Standard Extensions#

Success/failure judgment#

Our interpreters have been developed with the intention of incorporating them into the CI / CD pipelines in autonomous driving systems. Therefore, executing a scenario can result in success, failure, or error. Note that "error" means a flaw in the scenario, such as a syntax error, or an internal error, not an "error in an automated driving system" such as "a vehicle accident occurred in a simulation". In such cases, you will be notified of a "failure".

Supporting Status#

Our OpenSCENARIO Interpreter does not currently support the full range of OpenSCENARIO standards.


Name Support Status Limitations OpenSCENARIO changes
GlobalAction.EnvironmentAction Unsupported
GlobalAction.ParameterAction.ParameterSetAction See here deprecated from v1.2
GlobalAction.ParameterAction.ParameterModifyAction No deprecated from v1.2
GlobalAction.TrafficAction.TrafficSourceAction Unsupported
GlobalAction.TrafficAction.TrafficSinkAction Unsupported
GlobalAction.TrafficAction.TrafficSwarmAction Unsupported
GlobalAction.TrafficAction.TrafficStopAction Unsupported
GlobalAction.VariableAction.VariableSetAction Unsupported created in v1.2
GlobalAction.VariableAction.VariableModifyAction Unsupported created in v1.2
UserDefinedAction.CustomCommandAction See here
PrivateAction.AppearanceAction.AnimationAction Unsupported created in v1.2
PrivateAction.AppearanceAction.LightStateAction Unsupported created in v1.2
PrivateAction.LongitudinalAction.SpeedAction See here
PrivateAction.LongitudinalAction.SpeedProfileAction Unsupported created in v1.2
PrivateAction.LongitudinalAction.LongitudinalDistanceAction Unsupported
PrivateAction.LateralAction.LaneChangeAction See here
PrivateAction.LateralAction.LaneOffsetAction Unsupported
PrivateAction.LateralAction.LateralDistanceAction Unsupported
PrivateAction.VisibilityAction Unsupported
PrivateAction.SynchronizeAction Unsupported
PrivateAction.ActivateControllerAction Unsupported deprecated from v1.2
PrivateAction.ControllerAction.ActivateControllerAction Unsupported
PrivateAction.ControllerAction.OverrideControllerValueAction Unsupported
PrivateAction.TeleportAction See here
PrivateAction.RoutingAction.FollowTrajectoryAction See here
PrivateAction.RoutingAction.AcquirePositionAction See here


Name Support Status Limitations OpenSCENARIO changes
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.EndOfRoadCondition Unsupported
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.CollisionCondition See here
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.OffroadCondition Unsupported
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.TimeHeadwayCondition See here
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.TimeToCollisionCondition Unsupported
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.AccelerationCondition No
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.StandStillCondition No
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.SpeedCondition No
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.RelativeSpeedCondition Unsupported
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.TraveledDistanceCondition Unsupported
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.ReachPositionCondition See here deprecated from v1.2
ByEntityCondition.EntityCondition.DistanceCondition See here
ByValueCondition.TimeOfDayCondition Unsupported
ByValueCondition.SimulationTimeCondition No
ByValueCondition.StoryboardElementStateCondition See here
ByValueCondition.VariableCondition Unsupported created in v1.2



  • Currently, ParameterSetAction cannot handle dateTime type parameters.



  • This action is a temporary feature until FollowTrajectoryAction is implemented.
  • This action cannot be used in combination with AcquirePositionAction because WalkStraightAction just makes a pedestrian NPC go straight without a destination.


  • The implementation of type TransitionDynamics for element SpeedActionDynamics is incomplete and SpeedActionDynamics.dynamicsDimension is ignored.



  • Currently, only LanePosition can be specified for element of TeleportAction.


  • Currently, the action handles only "followingMode" attribute set to position mode.
followingMode Status
follow Unsupported
Element Status
Clothoid Unsupported
Nurbs Unsupported


  • Currently, only LanePosition can be specified for element of AcquirePositionAction.


  • Currently, only EntityRef can be specified for element of CollisionCondition.


  • Currently, the values of attribute "freespace" and "alongRoute" are ignored and always behave as if freespace="false" and alongRoute="true" were specified.


  • Currently, only LanePosition and WorldPosition can be specified for the element of ReachPositionCondition.


  • Currently, the values of attribute "alongRoute" is ignored and always behave as if alongRoute="false" was specified.
  • Currently, only LanePosition and WorldPosition can be specified for the element of Position of DistanceCondition.


Instead, our interpreter implements lexical scoping. See also section Scoping.


  • The implementation of type DynamicsShape for attribute dynamicsShape is incomplete.
Name Type Status
dynamicsShape DynamicsShape Incomplete
value Double
dynamicsDimension DynamicsDimension


  • Currently, only linear and step are implemented for values of this enumeration. If you specify cubic and sinusoidal, you will get an ImplementationFault.
Value Status
cubic Unsupported
sinusoidal Unsupported


  • Currently, only AbsoluteTargetLane is implemented for element of this type. If you specify RelativeTargetLane, you will get a SyntaxError.
Element Status
RelativeTargetLane Unsupported


  • Currently, only WorldPosition and LanePosition are implemented for an element of this type.
Element Status
RelativeWorldPosition Unsupported
RoadPosition Unsupported
RelativeRoadPosition Unsupported
RelativeLanePosition Unsupported
RoutePosition Unsupported