scenario_simulator_v2 C++ API
Classes | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
concealer Namespace Reference


class  Autoware
class  AutowareUniverse
class  ContinuousTransformBroadcaster
class  FieldOperatorApplicationFor
class  FieldOperatorApplication
class  FieldOperatorApplicationFor< AutowareUniverse >
struct  has_data_member_allow_goal_modification
struct  has_data_member_allow_goal_modification< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().allow_goal_modification)> >
struct  has_data_member_option
struct  has_data_member_option< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().option)> >
class  PublisherWrapper
class  ServiceWithValidation
class  SubscriberWrapper
class  TaskQueue
struct  TransitionAssertion
struct  lister
struct  HasStaticNONE
struct  HasStaticNONE< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::NONE)> >
struct  HasStaticLANE_CHANGE_LEFT
struct  HasStaticLANE_CHANGE_LEFT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::LANE_CHANGE_LEFT)> >
struct  HasStaticLANE_CHANGE_RIGHT
struct  HasStaticLANE_CHANGE_RIGHT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::LANE_CHANGE_RIGHT)> >
struct  HasStaticAVOIDANCE_LEFT
struct  HasStaticAVOIDANCE_LEFT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::AVOIDANCE_LEFT)> >
struct  HasStaticAVOIDANCE_RIGHT
struct  HasStaticAVOIDANCE_RIGHT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::AVOIDANCE_RIGHT)> >
struct  HasStaticGOAL_PLANNER
struct  HasStaticGOAL_PLANNER< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::GOAL_PLANNER)> >
struct  HasStaticSTART_PLANNER
struct  HasStaticSTART_PLANNER< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::START_PLANNER)> >
struct  HasStaticPULL_OUT
struct  HasStaticPULL_OUT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::PULL_OUT)> >
struct  HasStaticTRAFFIC_LIGHT
struct  HasStaticTRAFFIC_LIGHT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::TRAFFIC_LIGHT)> >
struct  HasStaticINTERSECTION
struct  HasStaticINTERSECTION< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::INTERSECTION)> >
struct  HasStaticINTERSECTION_OCCLUSION< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::INTERSECTION_OCCLUSION)> >
struct  HasStaticCROSSWALK
struct  HasStaticCROSSWALK< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::CROSSWALK)> >
struct  HasStaticBLIND_SPOT
struct  HasStaticBLIND_SPOT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::BLIND_SPOT)> >
struct  HasStaticDETECTION_AREA
struct  HasStaticDETECTION_AREA< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::DETECTION_AREA)> >
struct  HasStaticNO_STOPPING_AREA
struct  HasStaticNO_STOPPING_AREA< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::NO_STOPPING_AREA)> >
struct  HasStaticOCCLUSION_SPOT
struct  HasStaticOCCLUSION_SPOT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::OCCLUSION_SPOT)> >
struct  HasStaticEXT_REQUEST_LANE_CHANGE_LEFT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::EXT_REQUEST_LANE_CHANGE_LEFT)> >
struct  HasStaticEXT_REQUEST_LANE_CHANGE_RIGHT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::EXT_REQUEST_LANE_CHANGE_RIGHT)> >
struct  HasStaticAVOIDANCE_BY_LC_LEFT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::AVOIDANCE_BY_LC_LEFT)> >
struct  HasStaticAVOIDANCE_BY_LC_RIGHT< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::AVOIDANCE_BY_LC_RIGHT)> >
struct  HasStaticNO_DRIVABLE_LANE
struct  HasStaticNO_DRIVABLE_LANE< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::NO_DRIVABLE_LANE)> >
struct  HasStaticCOMFORTABLE_STOP< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::COMFORTABLE_STOP)> >
struct  HasStaticEMERGENCY_STOP
struct  HasStaticEMERGENCY_STOP< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::EMERGENCY_STOP)> >
struct  HasStaticUNKNOWN
struct  HasStaticUNKNOWN< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::UNKNOWN)> >
struct  HasStaticPULL_OVER
struct  HasStaticPULL_OVER< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::PULL_OVER)> >
struct  HasDistance
struct  HasDistance< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().distance)> >


enum class  ThreadSafety : bool { unsafe , safe }


auto execute (const std::vector< std::string > &) -> int
auto dollar (const std::string &command) -> std::string
void sudokill (const pid_t process_id)
auto isPackageExists (const std::string &package_name) noexcept -> bool
template<typename... Ts>
auto ros2_launch (const std::string &package, const std::string &file, Ts &&... xs)
template<typename T >
auto getParameter (const std::string &name, T value={})
template<auto N, typename Tuples >
auto operator<< (std::ostream &ostream, const lister< N, Tuples > &lister) -> std::ostream &
template<auto N, typename Tuples >
auto listup (const Tuples &tuples) -> lister< N, Tuples >
template<typename T >
auto toModuleType (const std::string &module_name)
template<typename CooperateStatusType >
bool isValidCooperateStatus (const CooperateStatusType &cooperate_status, std::uint8_t command_type, std::uint8_t module_type)
template<typename T >
auto toMinimumRiskManeuverBehaviorString (const std::uint8_t &behavior_number) -> std::string
auto toMinimumRiskManeuverStateString (const std::uint8_t &state_number) -> std::string


template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto has_data_member_allow_goal_modification_v
template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto has_data_member_option_v = has_data_member_option<Ts...>::value

Detailed Description

: pzyskowski : use conditional variables to wait for new messages instead of sleep_for

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ThreadSafety

enum concealer::ThreadSafety : bool

Function Documentation

◆ dollar()

auto concealer::dollar ( const std::string &  command) -> std::string

◆ execute()

auto concealer::execute ( const std::vector< std::string > &  f_xs) -> int

◆ getParameter()

template<typename T >
auto concealer::getParameter ( const std::string &  name,
value = {} 

◆ isPackageExists()

auto concealer::isPackageExists ( const std::string &  package_name) -> bool

◆ isValidCooperateStatus()

template<typename CooperateStatusType >
bool concealer::isValidCooperateStatus ( const CooperateStatusType &  cooperate_status,
std::uint8_t  command_type,
std::uint8_t  module_type 

NOTE1: the finish_distance filter is set to over -20.0, because some valid rtc statuses has negative finish_distance due to the errors of localization or numerical calculation. This threshold is advised by a member of TIER IV planning and control team.

NOTE2: The difference in the variable referred as a distance is the impact of the message specification changes in the following URL. This was also decided after consulting with a member of TIER IV planning and control team. ref:

◆ listup()

template<auto N, typename Tuples >
auto concealer::listup ( const Tuples &  tuples) -> lister<N, Tuples>

◆ operator<<()

template<auto N, typename Tuples >
auto concealer::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostream,
const lister< N, Tuples > &  lister 
) -> std::ostream &

◆ ros2_launch()

template<typename... Ts>
auto concealer::ros2_launch ( const std::string &  package,
const std::string &  file,
Ts &&...  xs 

◆ sudokill()

void concealer::sudokill ( const pid_t  process_id)

◆ toMinimumRiskManeuverBehaviorString()

template<typename T >
auto concealer::toMinimumRiskManeuverBehaviorString ( const std::uint8_t &  behavior_number) -> std::string

◆ toMinimumRiskManeuverStateString()

auto concealer::toMinimumRiskManeuverStateString ( const std::uint8_t &  state_number) -> std::string

◆ toModuleType()

template<typename T >
auto concealer::toModuleType ( const std::string &  module_name)

Variable Documentation

◆ has_data_member_allow_goal_modification_v

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto concealer::has_data_member_allow_goal_modification_v
Initial value:

◆ has_data_member_option_v

template<typename... Ts>
constexpr auto concealer::has_data_member_option_v = has_data_member_option<Ts...>::value