Generating Messages Included by safe_drive

For client applications, safe_drive provides a way to transpile from ROS2's .idl files to Rust crates by using safe_drive_msg. safe_drive itself includes ROS2's some basic messages to handle parameter servers.

The basic messages can be generated by ros2msg_to_rs, and located in src/msg.

safe_drive contains common_interfaces, unique_identifier_msgs, and rcl_interfaces. These messages can be transpiled as follows. {safe_drive} of the following means a directory path to safe_drive.

$ git clone -b humble
$ ros2msg_to_rs --disable-common-interfaces -s crate -i common_interfaces -o {safe_drive}/src/msg/humble/common_interfaces
$ mkdir ros2msg && cd ros2msg
$ git clone -b humble
$ ros2msg_to_rs --disable-common-interfaces -s crate -i . -o {safe_drive}/src/msg/humble/ros2msg
$ git clone -b humble
$ rm -rf rcl_interfaces/test_msgs rcl_interfaces/builtin_interfaces
$ ros2msg_to_rs --disable-common-interfaces -s crate -i rcl_interfaces -o {safe_drive}/src/msg/humble/interfaces

-s crate means crate is the name of top module. -i and -o means input and output directories. Because safe_drive defines builtin_interfaces internally, it must be removed before transpilation.

To support newer version of ROS2, these files should be updated.