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Name of schemas


Bases: StrEnum

An enum to represent schema filenames.



    Property of an instance that can change while the category remains the same.


    Definition of a particular sensor as calibrated on a vehicle.


    Object categories.


    Ego vehicle pose at at particular timestamp.


    An object instance.

  • LOG

    Information about the log from which the data aws extracted.

  • MAP

    Map data that is stored as binary semantic masks from a top-down view.


    A sample is an annotated keyframe at specific Hz.


    A bounding box defining the position of an object seen in a sample.


    A sensor data e.g. image, pointcloud or radar return.


    A scene is a specific long sequence of consecutive frames extracted from a log.


    A specific sensor type.


    The visibility of instance is the fraction of annotation visible in all images.

  • OBJECT_ANN (optional) –

    The annotation of a foreground object in an image.

  • SURFACE_ANN (optional) –

    The annotation of a background object in an image.

  • KEYPOINT (optional) –

    The annotation of pose keypoints of an object in an image.

filename property

filename: str

Return the annotation json filename.


  • str

    Annotation json filename.


is_optional() -> bool

Indicates if this schema name is optional.


  • bool

    Return True if this schema is optional.

Table of schemas

SchemaBase dataclass

SchemaBase(token: str)

Abstract base dataclass of schema tables.

shortcuts staticmethod

shortcuts() -> tuple[str, ...] | None

Return a sequence of shortcut field names.


  • tuple[str, ...] | None

    Returns None if there is no shortcut. Otherwise, returns sequence of shortcut field names.

from_json classmethod

from_json(filepath: str) -> list[Self]

Construct dataclass from json file.


  • filepath (str) –

    Filepath to json.


  • list[Self]

    List of instantiated schema dataclasses.

from_dict abstractmethod classmethod

from_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) -> Self

Construct dataclass from dict.


  • data (dict[str, Any]) –

    Dict data.


  • Self

    Instantiated schema dataclass.

Attribute dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of attribute.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • name (str) –

    Attribute name.

  • description (str) –

    Attribute description.

CalibratedSensor dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of calibrated_sensor.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • sensor_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the sensor type.

  • translation (TranslationType) –

    Coordinates system origin given as [x, y, z] in [m].

  • rotation (RotationType) –

    Coordinates system orientation given as quaternion [w, x, y, z].

  • camera_intrinsic (CamIntrinsicType) –

    3x3 camera intrinsic matrix. Empty for sensors that are not cameras.

  • camera_distortion (CamDistortionType) –

    Camera distortion array. Empty for sensors that are not cameras.

Category dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of category.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • name (str) –

    Category name.

  • description (str) –

    Category description.

EgoPose dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of ego_pose.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • translation (TranslationType) –

    Coordinate system origin given as [x, y, z] in [m].

  • rotation (RotationType) –

    Coordinate system orientation given as quaternion [w, x, y, z].

  • timestamp (int) –

    Unix time stamp.

Instance dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of instance.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • category_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the object category.

  • instance_name (str) –

    Dataset name and instance ID defined in annotation tool.

  • nbr_annotations (int) –

    Number of annotations of this instance.

  • first_annotation_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the first annotation of this instance.

  • last_annotation_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the last annotation of this instance.

Keypoint dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of keypoint.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • sample_data_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the sample data, which must be a keyframe image.

  • instance_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the instance.

  • category_tokens (list[str]) –

    Foreign key pointing to keypoints categories.

  • keypoints (KeypointType) –

    Annotated keypoints. Given as a list of [x, y].

  • num_keypoints (int) –

    The number of keypoints to be annotated.

Log dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of log.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • logfile (str) –

    Log file name.

  • vehicle (str) –

    Vehicle name.

  • data_captured (str) –

    Date of the data was captured (YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss).

  • location (str) –

    Area where log was captured.

Map dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of map.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • log_tokens (str) –

    Foreign keys pointing the log tokens.

  • category (str) –

    Map category.

  • filename (str) –

    Relative path to the file with the map mask.

ObjectAnn dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of object_ann.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • sample_data_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the sample data, which must be a keyframe image.

  • instance_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the instance.

  • category_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the object category.

  • attribute_tokens (list[str]) –

    Foreign keys. List of attributes for this annotation.

  • bbox (RoiType) –

    Annotated bounding box. Given as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax].

  • mask (MaskType) –

    Instance mask using the COCO format.

Sample dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of sample.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • timestamp (int) –

    Unix time stamp.

  • scene_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the scene.

  • next (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the sample that follows this in time. Empty if end of scene.

  • prev (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the sample that precedes this in time. Empty if start of scene.

data (dict[str, str]): Sensor channel and its token.
    This should be set after instantiated.
ann_3ds (list[str]): List of foreign keys pointing the sample annotations.
    This should be set after instantiated.
ann_3ds (list[str]): List of foreign keys pointing the object annotations.
    This should be set after instantiated.

SampleAnnotation dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of sample_annotation.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • sample_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the sample.

  • instance_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the object instance.

  • attribute_tokens (list[str]) –

    Foreign keys. List of attributes for this annotation.

  • visibility_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the object visibility.

  • translation (TranslationType) –

    Bounding box location given as [x, y, z] in [m].

  • size (SizeType) –

    Bounding box size given as [width, length, height] in [m].

  • rotation (RotationType) –

    Bounding box orientation given as quaternion [w, x, y, z].

  • num_lidar_pts (int) –

    Number of lidar points in this box.

  • num_radar_pts (int) –

    Number of radar points in this box.

  • next (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the annotation that follows this in time. Empty if this is the last annotation for this object.

  • prev (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the annotation that precedes this in time. Empty if this the first annotation for this object.

  • velocity (VelocityType | None) –

    Bounding box velocity given as [vx, vy, vz] in [m/s].

  • acceleration (AccelerationType | None) –

    Bonding box acceleration given as [ax, ay, av] in [m/s^2].

category_name (str): Category name. This should be set after instantiated.

SampleData dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A class to represent schema table of sample_data.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • sample_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the sample.

  • ego_pose_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the ego_pose.

  • calibrated_sensor_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the calibrated_sensor.

  • filename (str) –

    Relative path to data-blob on disk.

  • fileformat (FileFormat) –

    Data file format.

  • width (int) –

    If the sample data is an image, this is the image width in [px].

  • height (int) –

    If the sample data is an image, this is the image height in [px].

  • timestamp (int) –

    Unix time stamp.

  • is_key_frame (bool) –

    True if sample_data is part of key frame else, False.

  • next (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the sample_data that follows this in time. Empty if end of scene.

  • prev (str) –

    Foreign key pointing the sample_data that precedes this in time. Empty if start of scene.

  • is_valid (bool) –

    True if this data is valid, else False. Invalid data should be ignored.

modality (SensorModality): Sensor modality. This should be set after instantiated.
channel (str): Sensor channel. This should be set after instantiated.

Scene dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of scene.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • name (str) –

    Short string identifier.

  • description (str) –

    Longer description for the scene.

  • log_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to log from where the data was extracted.

  • nbr_samples (int) –

    Number of samples in the scene.

  • first_sample_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the first sample in scene.

  • last_sample_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the last sample in scene.

Sensor dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of sensor.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • channel (str) –

    Sensor channel name.

  • modality (SensorModality) –

    Sensor modality.

first_sd_token (str): The first sample data token corresponding to its sensor channel.

SurfaceAnn dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of surface_ann.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • sample_data_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the sample data, which must be a keyframe image.

  • category_token (str) –

    Foreign key pointing to the surface category.

  • mask (MaskType) –

    Segmentation mask using the COCO format.

Visibility dataclass

Bases: SchemaBase

A dataclass to represent schema table of visibility.json.


  • token (str) –

    Unique record identifier.

  • level (VisibilityLevel) –

    Visibility level.

  • description (str) –

    Description of visibility level.

Other items constructing schema table


Bases: StrEnum

An enum to represent file formats.


  • JPG

    JPG format for image data.

  • PNG

    PNG format for image data.

  • PCD

    PCD format for pointcloud data.

  • BIN

    BIN format.


    PCD.BIN format for pointcloud data.

is_member staticmethod


Indicate whether the input item is the one of members of FileFormat.


  • item (str) –

    Any file format name.


  • bool

    Return True if the item is included.

values staticmethod


Return a list of values of members.


  • list[str]

    List of values.



Return the value as file extension.


  • str

    File extension.


Bases: StrEnum

An enum to represent sensor modalities.



    Lidar sensor.


    Camera sensor.


    Radar sensor.


Bases: StrEnum

An enum to represent visibility levels.


  • FULL

    No occlusion for the object.

  • MOST

    Object is occluded, but by less than 50%.


    Object is occluded, but by more than 50%.

  • NONE

    Object is 90-100% occluded and no points/pixels are visible in the label.


    Visibility level is not specified.

from_value classmethod


Load member from its value.

Schema registry


build_schema(name: str | SchemaName, filepath: str) -> list[SchemaTable]

Build schema dataclass from json file path.


  • name (str | SchemaName) –

    Name of schema table.

  • filepath (str) –

    Path to json file.


  • list[SchemaTable]

    List of schema dataclasses.

SCHEMAS module-attribute

SCHEMAS = SchemaRegistry()



A manager class to register schema tables.


build_from_json(key: str | SchemaName, filepath: str) -> list[SchemaTable]

Build schema dataclass from json.


  • key (str) –

    Name of schema field.

  • filepath (str) –

    Path to schema json file.


  • list[SchemaTable]

    Instantiated dataclass.

Serialize schema


serialize_schemas(data: list[SchemaTable]) -> list[dict]

Serialize a list of schema dataclasses into list of dict.


  • data (list[SchemaTable]) –

    List of schema dataclasses.


  • list[dict]

    Serialized list of dict data.


serialize_schema(data: SchemaTable) -> dict

Serialize a schema dataclass into dict.


  • data (SchemaTable) –

    Schema dataclass.


  • dict

    Serialized dict data.