Vehicle Dynamics#
In this section, we describe the vehicle model which is implemented in scenario_simulator_v2.
Vehicle Model Types#
Pose is calculated by bicycle kinematics model.
Steering and velocity models are implemented 3 types of models.
Uses velocity command. The steering and velocity vary ideally as commanded.
Uses acceleration command. The steering and acceleration varies ideally as commanded.
Uses velocity command. The steering and velocity vary following a first-order delay model.
Uses acceleration command. The steering and acceleration vary following a first-order delay model.
Vehicle Model Parameters#
Name | Type | Description | IDEAL_STEER | IDEAL_ACCEL | DELAY_STEER | DELAY_STEER_ACC | Default value | unit |
vel_time_delay | double | dead time for the velocity input | x | x | o | x | 0.25 | [s] |
acc_time_delay | double | dead time for the acceleration input | x | x | x | o | 0.1 | [s] |
steer_time_delay | double | dead time for the steering input | x | x | o | o | 0.24 | [s] |
vel_time_constant | double | time constant of the 1st-order velocity dynamics | x | x | o | x | 0.61 | [s] |
acc_time_constant | double | time constant of the 1st-order acceleration dynamics | x | x | x | o | 0.1 | [s] |
steer_time_constant | double | time constant of the 1st-order steering dynamics | x | x | o | o | 0.27 | [s] |
vel_lim | double | limit of velocity | x | x | o | o | 50.0 | [m/s] |
accel_rate | double | limit of acceleration | x | x | o | o | 7.0 | [m/ss] |
steer_lim | double | limit of steering angle | x | x | o | o | 1.0 | [rad] |
steer_rate_lim | double | limit of steering angle change rate | x | x | o | o | 5.0 | [rad/s] |
deadzone_delta_steer | double | dead zone for the steering dynamics | x | x | o | o | 0.0 | [rad] |
Note: The steering/velocity/acceleration dynamics is modeled by a first-order system with a deadtime in a delay model. The definition of the time constant is the time it takes for the step response to rise up to 63% of its final value. The deadtime is a delay in the response to a control input.
Example Definition#
acc_time_constant: 0.1
acc_time_delay: 0.1
accel_rate: 7.0
add_measurement_noise: true
angvel_lim: 3.0
angvel_noise_stddev: 0.0
angvel_rate: 1.0
angvel_time_constant: 0.5
angvel_time_delay: 0.2
initial_engage_state: true
pos_noise_stddev: 0.01
rpy_noise_stddev: 0.0001
sim_steering_gear_ratio: 15.0
steer_lim: 1.0
steer_noise_stddev: 0.0001
steer_rate_lim: 5.0
steer_time_constant: 0.27
steer_time_delay: 0.24
tread_length: 1.0
vehicle_model_type: DELAY_STEER_ACC
vel_lim: 50.0
vel_noise_stddev: 0.0
vel_time_constant: 0.61
vel_time_delay: 0.25
This example shows DELAY_STEER_ACC model. If you want to use another type, please set another variable.