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Supported sensors

Nebula currently supports the sensor models listed below. The test status column indicates how many of the sensors' features are supported.

For all sensors, the respective configuration file is found under nebula_ros/config/<type>/<vendor>/<filename> where

  • <type> is either lidar or radar,
  • <vendor> is the vendor of the sensor and
  • <filename> is listed in the table below.

The launch file for a given vendor is called <vendor>_launch_all_hw.xml. The sensor_model parameter below decides which sensor driver is launched.

Hesai LiDARs

Model sensor_model Configuration file Test status
Pandar64 Pandar64 Pandar64.param.yaml ⚠️
Pandar 40P Pandar40P Pandar40P.param.yaml
Pandar XT16 PandarXT16 PandarXT16.param.yaml ⚠️
Pandar XT32 PandarXT32 PandarXT32.param.yaml
Pandar XT32M PandarXT32M PandarXT32M.param.yaml ⚠️
Pandar QT64 PandarQT64 PandarQT64.param.yaml
Pandar QT128 PandarQT128 PandarQT128.param.yaml
Pandar AT128 PandarAT128 PandarAT128.param.yaml ✅*
Pandar OT128 Pandar128E4X Pandar128E4X.param.yaml

*: AT128 needs software version 3.50.8 or newer for the scan_angle setting to work correctly.

Velodyne LiDARs

Model sensor_model Configuration file Test status
VLP-16 VLP16 VLP16.param.yaml ⚠️
VLP-32 VLP32 VLP32.param.yaml ⚠️
VLS-128 VLS128 VLS128.param.yaml ⚠️

Robosense LiDARs

Model sensor_model Configuration file Test status
Bpearl Bpearl Bpearl.param.yaml ⚠️
Helios Helios Helios.param.yaml ⚠️

Continental radars

Model sensor_model Configuration file Test status
ARS548 ARS548 ARS548.param.yaml
SRR520 SRR520 SRR520.param.yaml

Test status:
✅: complete
⚠️: some functionality yet to be tested
❌: untested