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Nebula point cloud types

Nebula currently supports the below point cloud output types. However, it can easily be extended to support other custom point cloud types.

These definitions can be found in the nebula_common/include/point_types.hpp.


Field Type Units Description
x float m Cartesian x coordinate.
y float m Cartesian y coordinate.
z float m Cartesian z coordinate.
padding 4 bytes
intensity float Intensity of the return as reported by the sensor.
ring uint16 Ring ID - only defined for rotational LiDARs.


Field Type Units Description
x float m Cartesian x coordinate.
y float m The point's cartesian y coordinate.
z float m Cartesian z coordinate.
padding 4 bytes
intensity uint8 Intensity of the return as reported by the sensor.
channel uint16 The ID of the laser channel that produced the point.
azimuth float degrees Azimuth in polar coordinates.
timestamp uint32 ns Time of detection relative to the pointcloud timestamp.
return type uint8 Return (echo) type.


Field Type Units Description
x float m Cartesian x coordinate.
y float m Cartesian y coordinate.
z float m Cartesian z coordinate.
padding 4 bytes
intensity float Intensity of the return as reported by the sensor.
return type uint8 Return (echo) type.
azimuth float degrees Azimuth in polar coordinates.
distance float m Distance from the sensor origin.
timestamp double ns Time of detection relative to the pointcloud timestamp.

NebulaPoint = PointXYZIRCAEDT

Field Type Units Description
x float m Cartesian x coordinate.
y float m Cartesian y coordinate.
z float m Cartesian z coordinate.
intensity uint8 Intensity of the return as reported by the sensor.
return type uint8 Return (echo) type.
channel uint16 Laser channel ID.
azimuth float rad Azimuth in polar coordinates.
elevation float rad Elevation in polar coordinates.
distance float m Distance from the sensor origin.
timestamp uint32 ns Time of detection relative to the pointcloud timestamp.