Name Type Description Default Range
host_ip string Host IPv4 address. N/A
sensor_ip string Sensor IPv4 address. N/A
multicast_ip string Multicast IPv4 address. "" N/A
data_port integer Sensor data port. 2368 ≥ 0
gnss_port integer GNSS port. 10110 ≥ 0
packet_mtu_size integer Packet MTU size. 1500 ≥ 0
launch_hw boolean Whether network sockets should be opened or not. If disabled, replay from NebulaPackets messages is enabled automatically. true N/A
setup_sensor boolean Enable sensor setup on hardware driver. true N/A
udp_only boolean Use UDP protocol only (settings synchronization and diagnostics publishing are disabled). false N/A
frame_id string Sensor data frame_id. data_link N/A
diag_span integer Diagnostics rate. 1000 ≥ 1
min_range float Sensor minimum single point range. 0.3 ≥ 0.0
max_range float Sensor maximum single point range. 300.0 ≥ 0.0
cloud_min_angle integer Field of View, start degrees. 0 ≥ 0
≤ 360
cloud_max_angle integer Field of View, end degrees. 360 ≥ 0
≤ 360
sync_angle integer The angle in whole degrees which should be hit on top-of-second. 0 ≥ 0
≤ 359
cut_angle float The angle in degrees at which pointclouds are cut/published. 0.0 ≥ 0
≤ 360
sensor_model string Sensor model. PandarXT32M
calibration_file string Sensor calibration file. $(find-pkg-share nebula_decoders)/calibration/hesai/$(var sensor_model).csv N/A
rotation_speed integer Motor RPM, the sensor's internal spin rate. 600 ≥ 300
≤ 1200
return_mode string Sensor return mode. Last, Strongest, LastStrongest, First, LastFirst, FirstStrongest, Dual
ptp_profile string PTP profile. 1588v2 1588v2, 802.1as, automotive
ptp_domain integer PTP domain (PTP operates within a logical scope). 0 ≥ 0
≤ 127
ptp_transport_type string 1588v2 supports 'UDP' or 'L2', other profiles only L2 (HW). UDP UDP, L2
ptp_switch_type string For automotive profile,'TSN' or 'NON_TSN'. TSN TSN, NON_TSN
ptp_lock_threshold integer The maximum sensor clock offset in microseconds from the master clock which will still be treated as being locked. 100 ≥ 1
≤ 100
retry_hw boolean Whether TCP connections are retried on failure or the driver should instead exit. true N/A
dual_return_distance_threshold float Distance threshold between two neighboring points for dual return mode. 0.1 ≥ 0.01
≤ 0.5
downsample_mask.path string See Filters for more information. "" N/A