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Class nebula::ros::WatchdogTimer

ClassList > nebula > ros > WatchdogTimer

  • #include <watchdog_timer.hpp>

Public Functions

Type Name
WatchdogTimer (rclcpp::Node & node, const std::chrono::microseconds & expected_update_interval, const watchdog_cb_t & callback)
void update ()

Public Functions Documentation

function WatchdogTimer

inline nebula::ros::WatchdogTimer::WatchdogTimer (
    rclcpp::Node & node,
    const std::chrono::microseconds & expected_update_interval,
    const watchdog_cb_t & callback

function update

inline void nebula::ros::WatchdogTimer::update () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_ros/include/nebula_ros/common/watchdog_timer.hpp