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Struct nebula::HesaiInventoryBase

ClassList > nebula > HesaiInventoryBase


  • #include <hesai_cmd_response.hpp>

Inherited by the following classes: nebula::HesaiInventory_AT128, nebula::HesaiInventory_OT128, nebula::HesaiInventory_QT128, nebula::HesaiInventory_XT16_32_40P


Type Name
struct Internal

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual const Internal & get () const = 0
virtual uint8_t model_number () const = 0
ordered_json to_json () const
virtual ~HesaiInventoryBase () = default

Protected Functions

Type Name
virtual ordered_json sensor_specifics_to_json () const = 0

Protected Static Functions

Type Name
std::string get_motor_type (uint8_t motor_type)
std::string get_str_model (uint8_t model)

Public Functions Documentation

function get

virtual const Internal & nebula::HesaiInventoryBase::get () const = 0

function model_number

virtual uint8_t nebula::HesaiInventoryBase::model_number () const = 0

function to_json

inline ordered_json nebula::HesaiInventoryBase::to_json () const

function ~HesaiInventoryBase

virtual nebula::HesaiInventoryBase::~HesaiInventoryBase () = default

Protected Functions Documentation

function sensor_specifics_to_json

virtual ordered_json nebula::HesaiInventoryBase::sensor_specifics_to_json () const = 0

Protected Static Functions Documentation

function get_motor_type

static inline std::string nebula::HesaiInventoryBase::get_motor_type (
    uint8_t motor_type

function get_str_model

static inline std::string nebula::HesaiInventoryBase::get_str_model (
    uint8_t model

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_hw_interfaces/include/nebula_hw_interfaces/nebula_hw_interfaces_hesai/hesai_cmd_response.hpp