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Struct nebula::drivers::robosense_packet::Block

template <typename UnitT, size_t UnitN>

ClassList > nebula > drivers > robosense_packet > Block

  • #include <robosense_packet.hpp>

Public Types

Type Name
typedef UnitT unit_t

Public Attributes

Type Name
big_uint16_buf_t azimuth
big_uint16_buf_t flag
UnitT units

Public Functions

Type Name
uint16_t get_azimuth () const

Public Types Documentation

typedef unit_t

typedef UnitT nebula::drivers::robosense_packet::Block< UnitT, UnitN >::unit_t;

Public Attributes Documentation

variable azimuth

big_uint16_buf_t nebula::drivers::robosense_packet::Block< UnitT, UnitN >::azimuth;

variable flag

big_uint16_buf_t nebula::drivers::robosense_packet::Block< UnitT, UnitN >::flag;

variable units

UnitT nebula::drivers::robosense_packet::Block< UnitT, UnitN >::units[UnitN];

Public Functions Documentation

function get_azimuth

inline uint16_t nebula::drivers::robosense_packet::Block::get_azimuth () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_decoders/include/nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_robosense/decoders/robosense_packet.hpp