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File robosense_packet.hpp

FileList > decoders > robosense_packet.hpp

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  • #include <nebula_common/robosense/robosense_common.hpp>
  • #include <boost/endian/buffers.hpp>
  • #include <cstddef>
  • #include <cstdint>
  • #include <iomanip>
  • #include <sstream>
  • #include <string>


Type Name
namespace nebula
namespace drivers
namespace robosense_packet


Type Name
struct Block <typename UnitT, UnitN>
struct Body <typename BlockT, BlockN>
struct ChannelAngleCorrection
struct CorrectedHorizontalAngle
struct CorrectedVerticalAngle
struct Ethernet
struct FirmwareVersion
struct FovSetting
struct IpAddress
struct MacAddress
struct PacketBase <nBlocks, nChannels, maxReturns, degreeSubdivisions>
Base struct for all Robosense packets. This struct is not allowed to have any non-static members, otherwise memory layout is not guaranteed for the derived structs.
struct SensorCalibration
struct SerialNumber
struct Timestamp
struct Unit

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_decoders/include/nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_robosense/decoders/robosense_packet.hpp