File pandar_128e4x.hpp
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// Copyright 2024 TIER IV, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_hesai/decoders/hesai_packet.hpp"
#include "nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_hesai/decoders/hesai_sensor.hpp"
#include "nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_hesai/decoders/pandar_128e3x.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace nebula::drivers
namespace hesai_packet
#pragma pack(push, 1)
using Packet128E4X = Packet128E3X;
#pragma pack(pop)
} // namespace hesai_packet
// FIXME(mojomex):
// The OT128 datasheet has entirely different numbers (and more azimuth states).
// With the current sensor version, the numbers from the new datasheet are incorrect
// (clouds do not sync to ToS but ToS+.052s)
class Pandar128E4X : public HesaiSensor<hesai_packet::Packet128E4X>
enum OperationalState { HIGH_RESOLUTION = 0, STANDARD = 1 };
static constexpr int firing_time_offset_static_ns[128] = {
49758, 43224, 36690, 30156, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, 49758, 43224, 36690, 30156, 2378,
15446, 8912, 21980, 43224, 30156, 49758, 15446, 36690, 2378, 21980, 8912, 34312, 45002,
38468, 40846, 40846, 34312, 51536, 47380, 31934, 47380, 31934, 51536, 38468, 27778, 27778,
45002, 38468, 40846, 51536, 45002, 31934, 47380, 34312, 27778, 38468, 40846, 51536, 45002,
31934, 34312, 27778, 38468, 40846, 51536, 45002, 31934, 47380, 34312, 27778, 45002, 45002,
51536, 38468, 40846, 47380, 40846, 31934, 45002, 27778, 38468, 40846, 31934, 27778, 38468,
34312, 34312, 34312, 47380, 51536, 31934, 51536, 47380, 27778, 49758, 21980, 43224, 15446,
43224, 36690, 8912, 30156, 2378, 49758, 21980, 36690, 15446, 8912, 30156, 2378, 49758,
43224, 36690, 30156, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, 43224, 49758, 30156, 36690, 21980, 15446,
2378, 8912, 49758, 43224, 36690, 30156, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, 30156};
static constexpr int firing_time_offset_as0_ns[128] = {
-1, -1, -1, -1, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2378,
15446, 8912, 21980, -1, 2378, 21980, 8912, 6534, 17224, 10690, 13068, 13068, 6534,
23758, 19602, 4156, 19602, 4156, 23758, 13068, 13068, 23758, 10690, 4156, 19602, 19602,
0, 10690, 6534, 23758, 17224, 23758, 19602, 6534, 17224, 4156, 0, 6534, 0,
17224, 10690, 17224, 17224, 23758, 23758, 10690, 13068, 13068, 13068, 19602, 19602, 6534,
13068, 4156, 4156, 17224, 17224, 17224, 0, 10690, 10690, 13068, 13068, 4156, 0,
10690, 6534, 6534, 6534, 19602, 23758, 4156, 23758, 19602, 0, -1, 21980, -1,
15446, -1, 8912, -1, 2378, -1, -1, 21980, -1, 15446, 8912, -1, 2378,
-1, -1, -1, -1, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, -1, -1, -1, -1, 21980,
15446, 2378, 8912, -1, -1, -1, -1, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378};
static constexpr int firing_time_offset_as1_ns[128] = {
21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, -1, -1, -1, -1, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 8912, -1, -1, -1, 6534, 17224, 10690, 13068, 13068, 6534,
23758, 19602, 4156, 19602, 4156, 23758, 13068, 13068, 23758, 10690, 4156, 19602, 19602,
0, 10690, 6534, 23758, 17224, 23758, 19602, 6534, 17224, 4156, 0, 6534, 0,
17224, 10690, 17224, 17224, 23758, 23758, 10690, 13068, 13068, 13068, 19602, 19602, 6534,
13068, 4156, 4156, 17224, 17224, 17224, 0, 10690, 10690, 13068, 13068, 4156, 0,
10690, 6534, 6534, 6534, 19602, 23758, 4156, 23758, 19602, 0, 21980, -1, 15446,
-1, 8912, -1, 2378, -1, 21980, 15446, -1, 8912, -1, -1, 2378, -1,
21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, -1, -1, -1, -1, 15446, 21980, 2378, 8912, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 21980, 15446, 8912, 2378, -1, -1, -1, -1};
static constexpr float min_range = 0.1;
static constexpr float max_range = 230.0;
static constexpr size_t max_scan_buffer_points = 691200;
static constexpr FieldOfView<int32_t, MilliDegrees> fov_mdeg{{0, 360'000}, {-24'800, 14'400}};
static constexpr AnglePair<int32_t, MilliDegrees> peak_resolution_mdeg{100, 125};
int get_packet_relative_point_time_offset(
uint32_t block_id, uint32_t channel_id, const packet_t & packet) override
auto n_returns = hesai_packet::get_n_returns(packet.tail.return_mode);
int block_offset_ns = 0;
if (n_returns == 1) {
block_offset_ns = -27778 * 2 * (2 - block_id - 1);
} else {
block_offset_ns = 0;
int channel_offset_ns = 0;
bool is_hires_mode = packet.tail.operational_state == OperationalState::HIGH_RESOLUTION;
auto azimuth_state = packet.tail.get_azimuth_state(block_id);
if (!is_hires_mode) {
channel_offset_ns = firing_time_offset_static_ns[channel_id];
} else {
if (azimuth_state == 0) {
channel_offset_ns = firing_time_offset_as0_ns[channel_id];
} else /* azimuth_state == 1 */ {
channel_offset_ns = firing_time_offset_as1_ns[channel_id];
return block_offset_ns + 43346 + channel_offset_ns;
ReturnType get_return_type(
hesai_packet::return_mode::ReturnMode return_mode, unsigned int return_idx,
const std::vector<const typename packet_t::body_t::block_t::unit_t *> & return_units) override
auto return_type =
HesaiSensor<packet_t>::get_return_type(return_mode, return_idx, return_units);
if (return_type == ReturnType::IDENTICAL) {
return return_type;
// This sensor orders returns in the opposite order, so the return_type needs to be flipped too
if (return_mode == hesai_packet::return_mode::DUAL_FIRST_LAST) {
if (return_type == ReturnType::FIRST)
return_type = ReturnType::LAST;
else if (return_type == ReturnType::LAST)
return_type = ReturnType::FIRST;
return return_type;
} // namespace nebula::drivers