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Namespace nebula::drivers

Namespace List > nebula > drivers


Type Name
namespace continental_ars548
namespace continental_srr520
namespace hesai_packet
namespace point_filters
namespace robosense_packet
namespace vlp16
namespace vlp32
namespace vls128


Type Name
class AngleCorrector <typename CorrectionDataT>
Handles angle correction for given azimuth/channel combinations, as well as trigonometry lookup tables.
class AngleCorrectorCalibrationBased <ChannelN, AngleUnit>
class AngleCorrectorCorrectionBased <ChannelN, AngleUnit>
struct AnglePair <typename T, typename AngleUnit>
struct AngleRange <typename T, typename AngleUnit>
A range defined by a start and end angle. Crossing the 0/circle_modulus boundary (end < start) is allowed.
class BpearlV3
class BpearlV4
class ContinentalPacketsDecoder
Base class for Continental Radar decoder.
struct CorrectedAngleData
struct FieldOfView <typename T, typename AngleUnit>
class Helios
class HesaiDecoder <typename SensorT>
class HesaiDriver
Hesai driver.
class HesaiScanDecoder
Base class for Hesai LiDAR decoder.
class HesaiSensor <typename PacketT, AngleCorrection>
Base class for all sensor definitions.
class NebulaDriverBase
Base class for each sensor driver.
class Pandar128E3X
class Pandar128E4X
class Pandar40
class Pandar64
class PandarAT128
class PandarQT128
class PandarQT64
class PandarXT16
class PandarXT32
class PandarXT32M
struct Radians
class RobosenseDecoder <typename SensorT>
class RobosenseDriver
Robosense driver.
class RobosenseInfoDecoder <typename SensorT>
class RobosenseInfoDecoderBase
class RobosenseInfoDriver
Robosense driver.
class RobosenseScanDecoder
Base class for Robosense LiDAR decoder.
class RobosenseSensor <typename PacketT, typename InfoPacketT>
Base class for all sensor definitions.
struct ScaledDegrees <Subdivisions>
class VelodyneDriver
Velodyne driver.
class VelodyneScanDecoder
Base class for Velodyne LiDAR decoder.
struct raw_block
Raw Velodyne data block.
struct raw_packet
Raw Velodyne packet.

Public Types

Type Name
enum AngleCorrectionType
typedef ScaledDegrees< 100 > CentiDegrees
typedef ScaledDegrees< 10 > DeciDegrees
typedef ScaledDegrees< 1 > Degrees
typedef ScaledDegrees< 1000 > MilliDegrees
Velodyne echo types.
union two_bytes
typedef struct nebula::drivers::raw_block raw_block_t
Raw Velodyne data block.
typedef struct nebula::drivers::raw_packet raw_packet_t
Raw Velodyne packet.

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
const int g_block_data_size = (g\_scans\_per\_block \* g\_raw\_scan\_size)
const int g_blocks_per_packet = 12
const uint32_t g_degree_subdivisions = 100
const uint16_t g_lower_bank = 0xddff
const size_t g_offset_first_azimuth = 2
const size_t g_offset_last_azimuth = 1102
const int g_packet_size = 1206
const int g_packet_status_size = 4
const int g_raw_scan_size = 3
const uint16_t g_return_mode_dual = 57
const size_t g_return_mode_index = 1204
const uint16_t g_return_mode_last = 56
const uint16_t g_return_mode_strongest = 55
const uint16_t g_rotation_max_units = 36000u
const double g_rotation_resolution = 0.01
const int g_scans_per_block = 32
const int g_scans_per_packet = (g\_scans\_per\_block \* g\_blocks\_per\_packet)
const int g_size_block = 100
const uint16_t g_upper_bank = 0xeeff
const float g_vlp128_distance_resolution = 0.004f
const float g_vlp16_block_duration = 110.592f
const float g_vlp16_dsr_toffset = 2.304f
const float g_vlp16_firing_toffset = 55.296f
const int g_vlp16_firings_per_block = 2
const int g_vlp16_scans_per_firing = 16
const float g_vlp32_channel_duration = 2.304f
const float g_vlp32_seq_duration = 55.296f
const uint16_t g_vls128_bank_1 = 0xeeff
const uint16_t g_vls128_bank_2 = 0xddff
const uint16_t g_vls128_bank_3 = 0xccff
const uint16_t g_vls128_bank_4 = 0xbbff
const float g_vls128_channel_duration = /* multi line expression */
const float g_vls128_seq_duration = /* multi line expression */

Public Functions

Type Name
bool angle_is_between (T start_angle, T end_angle, T angle, bool start_inclusive=true, bool end_inclusive=true)
Tests if angle is in the region of the circle defined bystart_angle andend_angle . Notably,end_angle can be smaller thanstart_angle , in which case the region passes over the 360/0 deg bound. This function is unit-independent (but all angles have to have the same unit), so degrees, radians, and arbitrary scale factors can be used.
T normalize_angle (T angle, T max_angle)
Normalizes an angle to the interval [0; max_angle]. This function is unit-independent. max_angle is 360 for degrees, 2 * M_PI for radians, and the corresponding scaled value for scaled units such as centi-degrees (36000).

Public Types Documentation

enum AngleCorrectionType

enum nebula::drivers::AngleCorrectionType {

typedef CentiDegrees

using nebula::drivers::CentiDegrees = typedef ScaledDegrees<100>;

typedef DeciDegrees

using nebula::drivers::DeciDegrees = typedef ScaledDegrees<10>;

typedef Degrees

using nebula::drivers::Degrees = typedef ScaledDegrees<1>;

typedef MilliDegrees

using nebula::drivers::MilliDegrees = typedef ScaledDegrees<1000>;


Velodyne echo types.

enum nebula::drivers::RETURN_TYPE {
    INVALID = 0,
    SINGLE_LAST = 2,
    DUAL_ONLY = 7

union two_bytes

used for unpacking the first two data bytes in a block

They are packed into the actual data stream misaligned. I doubt this works on big endian machines.

typedef raw_block_t

Raw Velodyne data block.

typedef struct nebula::drivers::raw_block nebula::drivers::raw_block_t;

Each block contains data from either the upper or lower laser bank. The device returns three times as many upper bank blocks.

use stdint.h types, so things work with both 64 and 32-bit machines

typedef raw_packet_t

Raw Velodyne packet.

typedef struct nebula::drivers::raw_packet nebula::drivers::raw_packet_t;

revolution is described in the device manual as incrementing (mod 65536) for each physical turn of the device. Our device seems to alternate between two different values every third packet. One value increases, the other decreases.


figure out if revolution is only present for one of the two types of status fields

status has either a temperature encoding or the microcode level

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable g_block_data_size

const int nebula::drivers::g_block_data_size;

variable g_blocks_per_packet

const int nebula::drivers::g_blocks_per_packet;

variable g_degree_subdivisions

const uint32_t nebula::drivers::g_degree_subdivisions;

variable g_lower_bank

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_lower_bank;

variable g_offset_first_azimuth

const size_t nebula::drivers::g_offset_first_azimuth;

variable g_offset_last_azimuth

const size_t nebula::drivers::g_offset_last_azimuth;

variable g_packet_size

const int nebula::drivers::g_packet_size;

variable g_packet_status_size

const int nebula::drivers::g_packet_status_size;

variable g_raw_scan_size

const int nebula::drivers::g_raw_scan_size;

variable g_return_mode_dual

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_return_mode_dual;

variable g_return_mode_index

const size_t nebula::drivers::g_return_mode_index;

variable g_return_mode_last

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_return_mode_last;

variable g_return_mode_strongest

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_return_mode_strongest;

Return Modes

variable g_rotation_max_units

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_rotation_max_units;

variable g_rotation_resolution

const double nebula::drivers::g_rotation_resolution;

variable g_scans_per_block

const int nebula::drivers::g_scans_per_block;

variable g_scans_per_packet

const int nebula::drivers::g_scans_per_packet;

variable g_size_block

const int nebula::drivers::g_size_block;

Raw Velodyne packet constants and structures.

variable g_upper_bank

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_upper_bank;


make this work for both big and little-endian machines

variable g_vlp128_distance_resolution

const float nebula::drivers::g_vlp128_distance_resolution;

Special Definitions for VLS128 support

variable g_vlp16_block_duration

const float nebula::drivers::g_vlp16_block_duration;

variable g_vlp16_dsr_toffset

const float nebula::drivers::g_vlp16_dsr_toffset;

variable g_vlp16_firing_toffset

const float nebula::drivers::g_vlp16_firing_toffset;

variable g_vlp16_firings_per_block

const int nebula::drivers::g_vlp16_firings_per_block;

Special Defines for VLP16 support

variable g_vlp16_scans_per_firing

const int nebula::drivers::g_vlp16_scans_per_firing;

variable g_vlp32_channel_duration

const float nebula::drivers::g_vlp32_channel_duration;

Special Defines for VLP32 support

variable g_vlp32_seq_duration

const float nebula::drivers::g_vlp32_seq_duration;

variable g_vls128_bank_1

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_vls128_bank_1;

Special Definitions for VLS128 support

variable g_vls128_bank_2

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_vls128_bank_2;

variable g_vls128_bank_3

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_vls128_bank_3;

variable g_vls128_bank_4

const uint16_t nebula::drivers::g_vls128_bank_4;

variable g_vls128_channel_duration

const float nebula::drivers::g_vls128_channel_duration;

variable g_vls128_seq_duration

const float nebula::drivers::g_vls128_seq_duration;

Public Functions Documentation

function angle_is_between

Tests if angle is in the region of the circle defined bystart_angle andend_angle . Notably,end_angle can be smaller thanstart_angle , in which case the region passes over the 360/0 deg bound. This function is unit-independent (but all angles have to have the same unit), so degrees, radians, and arbitrary scale factors can be used.

template<typename T>
bool nebula::drivers::angle_is_between (
    T start_angle,
    T end_angle,
    T angle,
    bool start_inclusive=true,
    bool end_inclusive=true

function normalize_angle

Normalizes an angle to the interval [0; max_angle]. This function is unit-independent. max_angle is 360 for degrees, 2 * M_PI for radians, and the corresponding scaled value for scaled units such as centi-degrees (36000).

template<typename T>
T nebula::drivers::normalize_angle (
    T angle,
    T max_angle

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_decoders/include/nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_common/angles.hpp