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Class nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder

template <typename SensorT>

ClassList > nebula > drivers > RobosenseDecoder

  • #include <robosense_decoder.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: nebula::drivers::RobosenseScanDecoder

Public Functions

Type Name
RobosenseDecoder (const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseSensorConfiguration > & sensor_configuration, const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseCalibrationConfiguration > & calibration_configuration)
virtual std::tuple< drivers::NebulaPointCloudPtr, double > getPointcloud () override
Returns the point cloud and timestamp of the last scan.
virtual bool hasScanned () override
Indicates whether one full scan is ready.
virtual int unpack (const std::vector< uint8_t > & msop_packet) override
Parses RobosensePacket and add its points to the point cloud.

Public Functions inherited from nebula::drivers::RobosenseScanDecoder

See nebula::drivers::RobosenseScanDecoder

Type Name
RobosenseScanDecoder (RobosenseScanDecoder && c) = delete
RobosenseScanDecoder (const RobosenseScanDecoder & c) = delete
RobosenseScanDecoder () = default
virtual std::tuple< drivers::NebulaPointCloudPtr, double > getPointcloud () = 0
Returns the point cloud and timestamp of the last scan.
virtual bool hasScanned () = 0
Indicates whether one full scan is ready.
RobosenseScanDecoder & operator= (RobosenseScanDecoder && c) = delete
RobosenseScanDecoder & operator= (const RobosenseScanDecoder & c) = delete
virtual int unpack (const std::vector< uint8_t > & msop_packet) = 0
Parses RobosensePacket and add its points to the point cloud.
virtual ~RobosenseScanDecoder () = default

Protected Attributes

Type Name
SensorT::angle_corrector_t angle_corrector_
Decodes azimuth/elevation angles given calibration/correction data.
NebulaPointCloudPtr decode_pc_
The point cloud new points get added to.
uint64_t decode_scan_timestamp_ns_
The timestamp of the scan currently in progress.
bool has_scanned_
Whether a full scan has been processed.
int last_phase_
The last azimuth processed.
rclcpp::Logger logger_
NebulaPointCloudPtr output_pc_
The point cloud that is returned when a scan is complete.
uint64_t output_scan_timestamp_ns_
The timestamp of the last completed scan in nanoseconds.
SensorT::packet_t packet_
The last decoded packet.
SensorT sensor_ = {}
The sensor definition, used for return mode and time offset handling.
const std::shared_ptr< const drivers::RobosenseSensorConfiguration > sensor_configuration_
Configuration for this decoder.

Protected Functions

Type Name
bool checkScanCompleted (int current_phase)
Checks whether the last processed block was the last block of a scan.
void convertReturns (size_t start_block_id, size_t n_blocks)
Converts a group of returns (i.e. 1 for single return, 2 for dual return, etc.) to points and appends them to the point cloud.
float getDistance (const typename SensorT::packet_t::body_t::block_t::unit_t & unit)
Get the distance of the given unit in meters.
uint32_t getPointTimeRelative (uint64_t packet_timestamp_ns, size_t block_id, size_t channel_id)
Get timestamp of point in nanoseconds, relative to scan timestamp. Includes firing time offset correction for channel and block.
bool parsePacket (const std::vector< uint8_t > & msop_packet)
Validates and parses MsopPacket. Currently only checks size, not checksums etc.

Public Functions Documentation

function RobosenseDecoder


inline explicit nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::RobosenseDecoder (
    const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseSensorConfiguration > & sensor_configuration,
    const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseCalibrationConfiguration > & calibration_configuration


  • sensor_configuration SensorConfiguration for this decoder
  • calibration_configuration Calibration for this decoder calibration_configuration is set)

function getPointcloud

Returns the point cloud and timestamp of the last scan.

inline virtual std::tuple< drivers::NebulaPointCloudPtr, double > nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::getPointcloud () override


A tuple of point cloud and timestamp in nanoseconds

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseScanDecoder::getPointcloud

function hasScanned

Indicates whether one full scan is ready.

inline virtual bool nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::hasScanned () override


Whether a scan is ready

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseScanDecoder::hasScanned

function unpack

Parses RobosensePacket and add its points to the point cloud.

inline virtual int nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::unpack (
    const std::vector< uint8_t > & msop_packet
) override


  • msop_packet The incoming MsopPacket


The last azimuth processed

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseScanDecoder::unpack

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable angle_corrector_

SensorT::angle_corrector_t nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::angle_corrector_;

variable decode_pc_

NebulaPointCloudPtr nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::decode_pc_;

variable decode_scan_timestamp_ns_

uint64_t nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::decode_scan_timestamp_ns_;

variable has_scanned_

bool nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::has_scanned_;

variable last_phase_

int nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::last_phase_;

variable logger_

rclcpp::Logger nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::logger_;

variable output_pc_

NebulaPointCloudPtr nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::output_pc_;

variable output_scan_timestamp_ns_

uint64_t nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::output_scan_timestamp_ns_;

variable packet_

SensorT::packet_t nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::packet_;

variable sensor_

SensorT nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::sensor_;

variable sensor_configuration_

const std::shared_ptr<const drivers::RobosenseSensorConfiguration> nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder< SensorT >::sensor_configuration_;

Protected Functions Documentation

function checkScanCompleted

Checks whether the last processed block was the last block of a scan.

inline bool nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::checkScanCompleted (
    int current_phase


  • current_phase The azimuth of the last processed block


Whether the scan has completed

function convertReturns

Converts a group of returns (i.e. 1 for single return, 2 for dual return, etc.) to points and appends them to the point cloud.

inline void nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::convertReturns (
    size_t start_block_id,
    size_t n_blocks


  • start_block_id The first block in the group of returns
  • n_blocks The number of returns in the group

function getDistance

Get the distance of the given unit in meters.

inline float nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::getDistance (
    const typename SensorT::packet_t::body_t::block_t::unit_t & unit


  • unit The unit to get the distance from


The distance in meters

function getPointTimeRelative

Get timestamp of point in nanoseconds, relative to scan timestamp. Includes firing time offset correction for channel and block.

inline uint32_t nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::getPointTimeRelative (
    uint64_t packet_timestamp_ns,
    size_t block_id,
    size_t channel_id


  • packet_timestamp_ns The timestamp of the current MsopPacket in nanoseconds
  • block_id The block index of the point
  • channel_id The channel index of the point

function parsePacket

Validates and parses MsopPacket. Currently only checks size, not checksums etc.

inline bool nebula::drivers::RobosenseDecoder::parsePacket (
    const std::vector< uint8_t > & msop_packet


  • msop_packet The incoming MsopPacket


Whether the packet was parsed successfully

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_decoders/include/nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_robosense/decoders/robosense_decoder.hpp