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Class nebula::drivers::BpearlV4

ClassList > nebula > drivers > BpearlV4

  • #include <bpearl_v4.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor

Public Types inherited from nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor

See nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor

Type Name
typedef class AngleCorrectorCalibrationBased< PacketT::N_CHANNELS, PacketT::DEGREE_SUBDIVISIONS > angle_corrector_t
typedef InfoPacketT info_t
typedef PacketT packet_t

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
constexpr float MAX_RANGE = = 30.f
constexpr size_t MAX_SCAN_BUFFER_POINTS = = 1152000
constexpr float MIN_RANGE = = 0.1f

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual int getPacketRelativePointTimeOffset (const uint32_t block_id, const uint32_t channel_id, const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseSensorConfiguration > & sensor_configuration) override
Computes the exact relative time between the timestamp of the given packet and the one of the point identified by the given block and channel, in nanoseconds.
virtual ReturnMode getReturnMode (const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet) override
virtual RobosenseCalibrationConfiguration getSensorCalibration (const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet) override
virtual std::map< std::string, std::string > getSensorInfo (const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet) override
virtual bool getSyncStatus (const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet) override

Public Functions inherited from nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor

See nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor

Type Name
RobosenseSensor () = default
int getEarliestPointTimeOffsetForBlock (uint32_t start_block_id, const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseSensorConfiguration > & sensor_configuration)
For a given start block index, find the earliest (lowest) relative time offset of any point in the packet in or after the start block.
virtual int getPacketRelativePointTimeOffset (uint32_t block_id, uint32_t channel_id, const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseSensorConfiguration > & sensor_configuration) = 0
Computes the exact relative time between the timestamp of the given packet and the one of the point identified by the given block and channel, in nanoseconds.
virtual ReturnMode getReturnMode (const info_t & info_packet) = 0
virtual ReturnType getReturnType (ReturnMode return_mode, unsigned int return_idx, const std::vector< const typename PacketT::body_t::block_t::unit_t * > & return_units)
Get the return type of the point given by return_idx.
virtual RobosenseCalibrationConfiguration getSensorCalibration (const info_t & info_packet) = 0
virtual std::map< std::string, std::string > getSensorInfo (const info_t & info_packet) = 0
virtual bool getSyncStatus (const info_t & info_packet) = 0
virtual ~RobosenseSensor () = default

Public Static Functions inherited from nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor

See nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor

Type Name
bool is_duplicate (uint32_t return_idx, const std::vector< const typename PacketT::body_t::block_t::unit_t * > & return_units)
Whether the unit given by return_idx is a duplicate of any other unit in return_units.

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable MAX_RANGE

constexpr float nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::MAX_RANGE;


constexpr size_t nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::MAX_SCAN_BUFFER_POINTS;

variable MIN_RANGE

constexpr float nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::MIN_RANGE;

Public Functions Documentation

function getPacketRelativePointTimeOffset

Computes the exact relative time between the timestamp of the given packet and the one of the point identified by the given block and channel, in nanoseconds.

inline virtual int nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::getPacketRelativePointTimeOffset (
    const uint32_t block_id,
    const uint32_t channel_id,
    const std::shared_ptr< const RobosenseSensorConfiguration > & sensor_configuration
) override


  • block_id The point's block id
  • channel_id The point's channel id
  • sensor_configuration The sensor configuration


The relative time offset in nanoseconds

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor::getPacketRelativePointTimeOffset

function getReturnMode

inline virtual ReturnMode nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::getReturnMode (
    const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet
) override

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor::getReturnMode

function getSensorCalibration

inline virtual RobosenseCalibrationConfiguration nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::getSensorCalibration (
    const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet
) override

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor::getSensorCalibration

function getSensorInfo

inline virtual std::map< std::string, std::string > nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::getSensorInfo (
    const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet
) override

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor::getSensorInfo

function getSyncStatus

inline virtual bool nebula::drivers::BpearlV4::getSyncStatus (
    const robosense_packet::bpearl_v4::InfoPacket & info_packet
) override

Implements nebula::drivers::RobosenseSensor::getSyncStatus

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_decoders/include/nebula_decoders/nebula_decoders_robosense/decoders/bpearl_v4.hpp