Namespace nebula::drivers::continental_ars548
Namespace List > nebula > drivers > continental_ars548
Type | Name |
struct | AccelerationLateralCoGPacket |
struct | AccelerationLongitudinalCoGPacket |
struct | CharacteristicSpeedPacket |
struct | ConfigurationPacket |
struct | ContinentalARS548SensorConfiguration struct for ARS548 sensor configuration |
struct | ContinentalARS548Status semantic struct of ARS548 Status __ |
struct | DetectionListPacket |
struct | DetectionPacket |
struct | DrivingDirectionPacket |
struct | FilterStatusEntryPacket |
struct | FilterStatusPacket |
struct | HeaderE2EP07Packet |
struct | HeaderPacket |
struct | HeaderSomeIPPacket |
struct | ObjectListPacket |
struct | ObjectPacket |
struct | PointARS548Detection |
struct | PointARS548Object |
struct | SensorStatusPacket |
struct | StampSyncStatusPacket |
struct | StatusConfigurationPacket |
struct | SteeringAngleFrontAxlePacket |
struct | VelocityVehiclePacket |
struct | YawRatePacket |
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
constexpr int | blockage_status_blind = = 0 |
constexpr int | blockage_status_high = = 1 |
constexpr int | blockage_status_low = = 3 |
constexpr int | blockage_status_mid = = 2 |
constexpr int | blockage_status_none = = 4 |
constexpr int | blockage_test_failed = = 0 |
constexpr int | blockage_test_ongoing = = 2 |
constexpr int | blockage_test_passed = = 1 |
constexpr int | configuration_method_id = = 390 |
constexpr int | configuration_payload_length = = 56 |
constexpr int | configuration_service_id = = 0 |
constexpr int | configuration_udp_length = = 64 |
constexpr int | detection_filter_properties_num = = 7 |
constexpr int | detection_list_method_id = = 336 |
constexpr int | detection_list_pdu_length = = 35328 |
constexpr int | detection_list_udp_payload = = 35336 |
constexpr int | filter_status_method_id = = 396 |
constexpr int | filter_status_pdu_length = = 322 |
constexpr int | filter_status_udp_payload = = 330 |
constexpr int | frequency_slot_high = = 2 |
constexpr int | frequency_slot_low = = 0 |
constexpr int | frequency_slot_mid = = 1 |
constexpr int | hcc_japan = = 2 |
constexpr int | hcc_worldwide = = 1 |
constexpr int | max_detections = = 800 |
constexpr int | max_objects = = 50 |
constexpr int | never_sync = = 2 |
constexpr int | object_filter_properties_num = = 24 |
constexpr int | object_list_method_id = = 329 |
constexpr int | object_list_pdu_length = = 9393 |
constexpr int | object_list_udp_payload = = 9401 |
constexpr int | plug_left = = 1 |
constexpr int | plug_right = = 0 |
constexpr int | powersave_standstill_off = = 0 |
constexpr int | powersave_standstill_on = = 1 |
constexpr int | sensor_status_method_id = = 380 |
constexpr int | sensor_status_pdu_length = = 76 |
constexpr int | sensor_status_udp_payload = = 84 |
constexpr int | state_init = = 0 |
constexpr int | state_invalid = = 2 |
constexpr int | state_ok = = 1 |
constexpr int | sync_lost = = 3 |
constexpr int | sync_ok = = 1 |
constexpr int | vdy_notok = = 1 |
constexpr int | vdy_ok = = 0 |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream & os, ContinentalARS548SensorConfiguration const & arg) Convert ContinentalARS548SensorConfiguration to string (Overloading the << operator) |
Public Attributes Documentation
variable blockage_status_blind
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_status_blind;
variable blockage_status_high
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_status_high;
variable blockage_status_low
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_status_low;
variable blockage_status_mid
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_status_mid;
variable blockage_status_none
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_status_none;
variable blockage_test_failed
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_test_failed;
variable blockage_test_ongoing
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_test_ongoing;
variable blockage_test_passed
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::blockage_test_passed;
variable configuration_method_id
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::configuration_method_id;
variable configuration_payload_length
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::configuration_payload_length;
variable configuration_service_id
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::configuration_service_id;
variable configuration_udp_length
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::configuration_udp_length;
variable detection_filter_properties_num
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::detection_filter_properties_num;
variable detection_list_method_id
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::detection_list_method_id;
variable detection_list_pdu_length
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::detection_list_pdu_length;
variable detection_list_udp_payload
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::detection_list_udp_payload;
variable filter_status_method_id
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::filter_status_method_id;
variable filter_status_pdu_length
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::filter_status_pdu_length;
variable filter_status_udp_payload
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::filter_status_udp_payload;
variable frequency_slot_high
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::frequency_slot_high;
variable frequency_slot_low
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::frequency_slot_low;
variable frequency_slot_mid
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::frequency_slot_mid;
variable hcc_japan
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::hcc_japan;
variable hcc_worldwide
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::hcc_worldwide;
variable max_detections
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::max_detections;
variable max_objects
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::max_objects;
variable never_sync
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::never_sync;
variable object_filter_properties_num
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::object_filter_properties_num;
variable object_list_method_id
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::object_list_method_id;
variable object_list_pdu_length
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::object_list_pdu_length;
variable object_list_udp_payload
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::object_list_udp_payload;
variable plug_left
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::plug_left;
variable plug_right
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::plug_right;
variable powersave_standstill_off
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::powersave_standstill_off;
variable powersave_standstill_on
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::powersave_standstill_on;
variable sensor_status_method_id
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::sensor_status_method_id;
variable sensor_status_pdu_length
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::sensor_status_pdu_length;
variable sensor_status_udp_payload
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::sensor_status_udp_payload;
variable state_init
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::state_init;
variable state_invalid
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::state_invalid;
variable state_ok
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::state_ok;
variable sync_lost
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::sync_lost;
variable sync_ok
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::sync_ok;
variable vdy_notok
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::vdy_notok;
variable vdy_ok
constexpr int nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::vdy_ok;
Public Functions Documentation
function operator<<
Convert ContinentalARS548SensorConfiguration to string (Overloading the << operator)
inline std::ostream & nebula::drivers::continental_ars548::operator<< (
std::ostream & os,
ContinentalARS548SensorConfiguration const & arg
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file nebula_common/include/nebula_common/continental/continental_ars548.hpp