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Point Filters

Point filters run for every decoded point, reducing pointcloud size right at the decode stage. This can speed up the later parts of pointcloud processing pipelines by reducing the number of points copied between and processed by modules.


Filters are configured via the ROS parameter namespace point_filters.

      parameter_1: 5
      parameter_2: "abc"
      # ...

Where each filter_type can be specified at most once. The configuration options available depend on the respective filter type.

Filters can also be set during runtime, e.g. via:

# replace <vendor> with the name of a supported vendor
ros2 param set /<vendor>_ros_wrapper_node point_filters.filter_type_a ...'

Supported Filters

The following filter types are supported:

Filter Name Filter Type Hesai Robosense Velodyne
Downsample Mask Filter downsample_mask

✅: compatible
❌: incompatible

Below, each filter type is documented in detail.

Downsample Mask Filter

This filter takes a greyscale PNG image that represents polar coordinates (x=azimuth, y=elevation) and downsamples the pointcloud according to the lightness values of the image's pixels.


For ring-based sensors, y represents the channel as a proxy for elevation. The image height has to be equal to the sensor's number of channels.

The input image is dithered to a boolean mask:

Stage Image
Input greyscale mask Greyscale mask
Internal dithered mask generated by Nebula Dithered mask

The decoded points are then kept/discarded based on that mask:

Pointcloud density Pointcloud closeup
Pointcloud output. The original pointcloud had uniform density (all white). 2D azimuth-elevation view, points are blurred to better visualize density Close-up view of a region with multiple different downsampling levels (bottom left of the pointcloud)

Configuration Options

Configuration is done in the following format:

  path: /path/to/mask.png

Or, during runtime, by setting:

ros2 param set /<vendor>_ros_wrapper_node point_filters.downsample_mask.path /path/to/mask.png'

The filter can be disabled by omitting the downsample_mask config item, or by setting path to an empty string:

ros2 param set /<vendor>_ros_wrapper_node point_filters.downsample_mask.path ""'

The required resolution of the mask is sensor-dependent:

Sensor Model Required Resolution
Pandar40P 1800 x 40
Pandar64 1800 x 64
PandarXT16 2000 x 16
PandarXT32 2000 x 32
PandarXT32M 2000 x 32
PandarAT128 1200 x 128
PandarQT64 600 x 64
PandarQT128 900 x 128
Pandar128E4X 3600 x 128


If the mask resolution does not match the required resolution, Nebula will not start (if configured on launch) or reject the setting (if set during runtime).



Color spaces in image editors can be confusing and can lead to unexpected results (more/less downsampling than expected). To work on monochrome images, use the Grayscale color mode and use the Value in the HSV color space to choose greyscale values. For example, a Value (HSV) of 50% is equal to a downsampling factor of 2, but a Luminosity (LCh) of 50% is equal to a downsampling factor of 2.17. Check the generated _dithered.png mask to see whether you are getting the expected results.

  • Greyscale values are quantized to the nearest 10th (yielding 11 quantization levels in total)
  • Mask resolution is dictated by the sensor's maximum FoV, the number of channels (for rotational LiDARs) and the peak angular resolution:
  • For a 40-channel LiDAR with 360 deg FoV and 0.1 deg peak azimuth resolution, the mask has to be (360 / 0.1, 40) = (3600, 40) pixels
  • Currently, non-rotational LiDARs are not yet supported
  • Dithering performed by Nebula is spatial only, meaning that it stays constant over time. Decoded points are checked against the nearest pixel in the dithered mask