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Evaluate YabLoc estimation#

Evaluate whether Autoware's YabLoc, a camera based pcd-less localization, is working stably.

Evaluation method#

Launching the file executes the following steps:

  1. Execute launch of evaluation node (yabloc_evaluator_node), logging_simulator.launch file and ros2 bag play command
  2. Autoware receives sensor data input from prepared rosbag and performs localization estimation
  3. Evaluation node subscribes to Autoware's output topics, determines whether the outputs meet the criteria, and outputs the results
  4. When the playback of the rosbag is finished, Autoware's launch is automatically terminated, and the evaluation is completed.

Availability of YabLoc#

We use the output from yabloc_monitor via /diagnostics to evaluate whether YabLoc is available.

  • /diagnostics

Evaluation Result#

The results are calculated for each subscription. The format and available states are described below.

YabLoc Availability Normal#

Information related to the monitored topic is extracted from /diagnostics which Component State Monitor outputs. If the most recent information is "OK", it is considered as pass.

YabLoc Availability Error#

The YabLoc availability evaluation output is marked as Error when conditions for YabLoc Availability Normal are not met.

Topic name and data type used by evaluation node#

Subscribed topics:

Topic name Data type
/diagnostics diagnostic_msgs/msg/DiagnosticArray

Published topics:

Topic name Data type

Service name and data type used by the evaluation node#

Service name Data type
/localization/initialize tier4_localization_msgs/srv/InitializeLocalization

Arguments passed to logging_simulator.launch#

  • perception: false
  • planning: false
  • control: false
  • pose_source: yabloc
  • twist_source: gyro_odom

About simulation#

State the information required to run the simulation.

Topic to be included in the input rosbag#

The following example shows the topic list available in evaluation input rosbag.

Topic name Data type
/sensing/camera/traffic_light/camera_info sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
/sensing/camera/traffic_light/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage
/sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw sensor_msgs/msg/Imu
/vehicle/status/velocity_status autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/VelocityReport

Topics that must NOT be included in the input rosbag#

Topic name Data type
/clock rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock

The clock is output by the --clock option of ros2 bag play, so if it is recorded in the bag itself, it is output twice, so it is not included in the bag.

About Evaluation#

State the information necessary for the evaluation.

Scenario Format#

See sample.

Evaluation Result Format#

See sample.

Examples of each evaluation are described below. NOTE: common part of the result file format, which has already been explained, is omitted.

Availability Result example:

  "Availability": {
    "Result": { "Total": "Success or Fail", "Frame": "Success, Fail, or Warn" },
    "Info": {}