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Evaluate LiDAR diagnostics#

Evaluate whether Autoware's diagnostics functionality behaves as expected.

The following subjects of evaluation are currently supported:

  • visibility: function to determine if visibility is impaired by fog, rain, etc.
  • blockage: function to determine if leaves or other objects are attached to LiDAR and obstructing the measurement.

Evaluation Method#

Launching the file executes the following steps:

  1. Execute launch of evaluation node (performance_diag_evaluator_node), logging_simulator.launch file and ros2 bag play command.
  2. Autoware receives sensor data output from the input rosbag and outputs the/diagnostics topic.
  3. The evaluation node subscribes to /diagnostics topic, and evaluates data. The result is dumped into a file.
  4. When the playback of the rosbag is finished, Autoware's launch is automatically terminated, and the evaluation is completed.

visibility evaluation#

The evaluation process confirms that more than a specified rate of ERRORs for limited visibility are generated for rosbag input data obtained under rainy conditions (naturally or artificially generated). Also, using data obtained during sunny weather, it is confirmed that ERRORs are never generated.

The in /diagnostics corresponding to dual_return_filter: /sensing/lidar/.*: visibility_validation is used for judgment.

blockage evaluation#

For blockage evaluation, acquire data with LiDAR intentionally covered with a material that will not pass the laser beam (for example box). The evaluation confirms that ERROR for blockage is output more than a certain rate for the considered situation. The node will also confirm that no ERROR is generated for not covered LiDAR.

The in /diagnostics corresponding to blockage_return_diag: /sensing/lidar/.*: blockage_validation is used for judgment.

Evaluation Result#

For each LiDAR diagnostic subscription, the evaluation judgment will be published on the topics described below:

Each output of the evaluation can be considered a success or a failure depending on what you want to evaluate. You can change this by describing the type in the scenario.

  • If the scenario type is TP (true positive), it succeeds if the Diag state is ERROR.
  • If the scenario type is FP (false positive), it succeeds if the Diag state is not ERROR.
  • If the scenario type is null, the test is omitted.

TP Normal#

If the scenario type is TP and the level in the diagnostic information is ERROR

TP Error#

If the scenario type is TP and the level in the diagnostic information is not ERROR.

FP Normal#

If the scenario type is FP and the level in the diagnostic information is not ERROR.

FP Error#

If the scenario type is FP and the level in the diagnostic information is ERROR.

Topic name and data type used by evaluation node#

Subscribed topics:

Topic name Data type
/perception/obstacle_segmentation/pointcloud sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2
/diagnostics diagnostic_msgs/msg/DiagnosticArray
/tf tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage

Published topics:

Topic name Data type
/driving_log_replayer_v2/visibility/value example_interfaces/msg/Float64
/driving_log_replayer_v2/visibility/level example_interfaces/msg/Byte
/driving_log_replayer_v2/blockage/{lidar_name}/ground/ratio example_interfaces/msg/Float64
/driving_log_replayer_v2/blockage/{lidar_name}/sky/ratio example_interfaces/msg/Float64
/driving_log_replayer_v2/blockage/{lidar_name}/level example_interfaces/msg/Byte

{lidar_name} contains the name of the mounted lidar.

Service name and data type used by the evaluation node#

Service name Data type
/localization/initialize tier4_localization_msgs/srv/InitializeLocalization

Arguments passed to logging_simulator.launch#

  • perception: false
  • planning: false
  • control: false

About simulation#

State the information required to run the simulation.

Topic to be included in the input rosbag#

The vehicle's ECU CAN and sensors data topics are required for the evaluation to be run correctly. The following example shows the topic list available in evaluation input rosbag when multiple LiDARs are used in a real-world vehicle configuration.

Topic name Data type
/pacmod/from_can_bus can_msgs/msg/Frame
/sensing/gnss/ublox/fix_velocity geometry_msgs/msg/TwistWithCovarianceStamped
/sensing/gnss/ublox/nav_sat_fix sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix
/sensing/gnss/ublox/navpvt ublox_msgs/msg/NavPVT
/sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw sensor_msgs/msg/Imu
/sensing/lidar/*/velodyne_packets velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan
/tf tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage

The vehicle topics can be included instead of CAN.

Topic name Data type
/sensing/gnss/ublox/fix_velocity geometry_msgs/msg/TwistWithCovarianceStamped
/sensing/gnss/ublox/nav_sat_fix sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix
/sensing/gnss/ublox/navpvt ublox_msgs/msg/NavPVT
/sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw sensor_msgs/msg/Imu
/sensing/lidar/*/velodyne_packets velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan
/tf tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
/vehicle/status/control_mode autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/ControlModeReport
/vehicle/status/gear_status autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/GearReport
/vehicle/status/steering_status autoware_vehicle_msgs/SteeringReport
/vehicle/status/turn_indicators_status autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/TurnIndicatorsReport
/vehicle/status/velocity_status autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/VelocityReport

NOTE: If localization is false (false by default), /tf is required.

Topics that must not be included in the input rosbag#

Topic name Data type
/clock rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock

The clock is output by the --clock option of ros2 bag play, so if it is recorded in the bag itself, it is output twice, so it is not included in the bag.

About Evaluation#

State the information necessary for the evaluation.

Scenario Format#

See sample.

Evaluation Result Format#

See sample.

In performance_diag evaluation scenario visibility and blockage are evaluated. The Result is true if both visibility and blockage evaluation steps have passed. Otherwise, the Result is false.

The result format is shown below. NOTE: common part of the result file format, which has already been explained, is omitted.

Visibility Result example:

  "Visibility": {
    "Result": { "Total": "Success or Fail", "Frame": "Success, Fail, or Invalid" },
    "Info": {
      "Level": "diagのレベル",
      "Visibility": "visibilityの値"

Blockage Result example:

  "Blockage": {
    "name of LiDAR1": {
      "Result": { "Total": "Success or Fail", "Frame": "Success or Fail" },
      "Info": {
        "Level": "Level of diag",
        "GroundBlockageRatio": "Ground blockage ratio",
        "GroundBlockageCount": "Ground blockage count. Reference",
        "SkyBlockageRatio": "Sky blockage ratio",
        "SkyBlockageCount": "Sky blockage count. Reference"
    "name of LiDAR2": {
      "Result": { "Total": "Success or Fail", "Frame": "Success or Fail" },
      "Info": {
        "Level": "Level of diag",
        "GroundBlockageRatio": "Ground blockage ratio",
        "GroundBlockageCount": "Ground blockage count. Reference",
        "SkyBlockageRatio": "Sky blockage ratio",
        "SkyBlockageCount": "Sky blockage count. Reference"