Evaluate perception#
The performance of Autoware's recognition function (perception) is evaluated by calculating mAP (mean Average Precision) and other indices from the recognition results.
Run the perception module and pass the output perception topic to the evaluation library for evaluation.
Since it is activated in the perception_mode described in the scenario, change the scenario if you want to change the sensor to be evaluated.
In perception evaluation, machine learning pre-trained models are used. If the model is not prepared in advance, Autoware will not output recognition results. If no evaluation results are produced, check to see if this has been done correctly.
Downloading Model Files#
Models are downloaded during Autoware setup. The method of downloading models depends on the version of Autoware you are using, so check which method is used. The following patterns exist.
Download with ansible#
When you run the ansible setup script, you will see Download artifacts? [y/N]
, type y
and press enter (Autoware foundation's main branch use this method)
Automatically downloaded when the package is built#
If you are using a slightly older Autoware.universe, this is the one to use, until the commit hash of 13b96ad3c636389b32fea3a47dfb7cfb7813cadc
Conversion of model files#
The downloaded onnx file is not to be used as-is, but to be converted to a TensorRT engine file for use. A conversion command is available, so source the autoware workspace and execute the command.
Let's assume that autoware is installed in $HOME/autoware
source $HOME/autoware/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch lidar_centerpoint lidar_centerpoint.launch.xml build_only:=true
When the conversion command finishes, the engine file is output. The output destination changes according to the model download method, so check that the output is in the appropriate directory.
Download with ansible#
An example of the use of autowarefoundation's autoware.universe is shown below.
The following file is output.
Automatic download at package build time#
The following file is output.
Evaluation method#
Launching the file executes the following steps:
- Execute launch of evaluation node (
file andros2 bag play
command - Autoware receives sensor data output from input rosbag and outputs point cloud data, and the perception module performs recognition.
- The evaluation node subscribes to
/perception/object_recognition/{detection, tracking}/objects
and evaluates data. The result is dumped into a file. - When the playback of the rosbag is finished, Autoware's launch is automatically terminated, and the evaluation is completed.
Evaluation results#
The results are calculated for each subscription. The format and available states are described below.
Perception Normal#
Satisfy Criteria in the Criterion tag of the scenario.
The scenario.yaml of the sample is as follows,
- PassRate: 95.0 # How much (%) of the evaluation attempts are considered successful.
CriteriaMethod: num_gt_tp # refer https://github.com/tier4/driving_log_replayer_v2/blob/develop/driving_log_replayer_v2/driving_log_replayer_v2/criteria/perception.py#L136-L152
CriteriaLevel: hard # Level of criteria (perfect/hard/normal/easy, or custom value 0.0-100.0)
Distance: 0.0-50.0 # [m] null [Do not filter by distance] or lower_limit-(upper_limit) [Upper limit can be omitted. If omitted value is 1.7976931348623157e+308]
- PassRate: 95.0 # How much (%) of the evaluation attempts are considered successful.
CriteriaMethod: num_gt_tp # refer https://github.com/tier4/driving_log_replayer_v2/blob/develop/driving_log_replayer_v2/driving_log_replayer_v2/criteria/perception.py#L136-L152
CriteriaLevel: easy # Level of criteria (perfect/hard/normal/easy, or custom value 0.0-100.0)
Distance: 50.0- # [m] null [Do not filter by distance] or lower_limit-(upper_limit) [Upper limit can be omitted. If omitted value is 1.7976931348623157e+308]
- For each subscription of
/perception/object_recognition/{detection, tracking}/objects
, the number of objects in tp is hard (75.0%) or more for objects at a distance of 0.0-50.0[m]. Frame of Result becomes Success. - For one subscription of
/perception/object_recognition/{detection, tracking}/objects
, the number of objects in tp is easy (25.0%) or more for objects at a distance of 50.0-1.7976931348623157e+308[m]. Frame of Result becomes Success. - If the condition
PassRate >= Normal / Total Received * 100
is satisfied, the Total of Result becomes Success.
Perception Error#
The perception evaluation output is marked as Error
when condition for Normal
is not met.
Skipping evaluation#
Only add 1 to FrameSkip in the following cases. FrameSkip is a counter for the number of times evaluation is skipped.
- No Ground Truth exists within 75msec before or after the received object's header time.
- If the number of footprint.points of the received object is 1 or 2 (this condition will be removed when "perception_eval" is updated)
Skipping evaluation(NoGTNoObject)#
- When the Ground Truth and the recognition objects are filtered by the filter condition and not evaluated (when the content of the evaluation result PassFail object is empty).
Topic name and data type used by evaluation node#
Subscribed topics:
Topic name | Data type |
/perception/object_recognition/detection/objects | autoware_perception_msgs/msg/DetectedObjects |
/perception/object_recognition/tracking/objects | autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrackedObjects |
Published topics:
Topic name | Data type |
/driving_log_replayer_v2/marker/ground_truth | visualization_msgs/msg/MarkerArray |
/driving_log_replayer_v2/marker/results | visualization_msgs/msg/MarkerArray |
Arguments passed to logging_simulator.launch#
- localization: false
- planning: false
- control: false
NOTE: The tf
in the bag is used to align the localization during annotation and simulation. Therefore, localization is invalid.
Dependent libraries#
The perception evaluation step bases on the perception_eval library.
Division of roles of driving_log_replayer_v2 with dependent libraries#
package is in charge of the connection with ROS. The actual perception evaluation is conducted in perception_eval library.
The perception_eval is a ROS-independent library, it cannot receive ROS objects. Also, ROS timestamps use nanoseconds while the t4_dataset
format is based on milliseconds (because it uses nuScenes
), so the values must be properly converted before using the library's functions.
subscribes the topic output from the perception module of Autoware, converts it to the data format defined in perception_eval, and passes it on.
It is also responsible for publishing and visualizing the evaluation results from perception_eval on proper ROS topic.
perception_eval is in charge of the part that compares the detection results passed from driving_log_replayer_v2
with ground truth data, calculates the index, and outputs the results.
About simulation#
State the information required to run the simulation.
Topic to be included in the input rosbag#
Must contain the required topics in t4_dataset
The vehicle's ECU CAN and sensors data topics are required for the evaluation to be run correctly. The following example shows the topic list available in evaluation input rosbag when multiple LiDARs and Cameras are used in a real-world vehicle configuration.
/sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud is used when sensing:=false is added to the launch argument.
Topic name | Data type |
/pacmod/from_can_bus | can_msgs/msg/Frame |
/localization/kinematic_state | nav_msgs/msg/Odometry |
/sensing/camera/camera*/camera_info | sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo |
/sensing/camera/camera*/image_rect_color/compressed | sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage |
/sensing/gnss/ublox/fix_velocity | geometry_msgs/msg/TwistWithCovarianceStamped |
/sensing/gnss/ublox/nav_sat_fix | sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix |
/sensing/gnss/ublox/navpvt | ublox_msgs/msg/NavPVT |
/sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw | sensor_msgs/msg/Imu |
/sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud | sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 |
/sensing/lidar/*/velodyne_packets | velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan |
/tf | tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage |
The vehicle topics can be included instead of CAN.
Topic name | Data type |
/localization/kinematic_state | nav_msgs/msg/Odometry |
/sensing/camera/camera*/camera_info | sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo |
/sensing/camera/camera*/image_rect_color/compressed | sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage |
/sensing/gnss/ublox/fix_velocity | geometry_msgs/msg/TwistWithCovarianceStamped |
/sensing/gnss/ublox/nav_sat_fix | sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix |
/sensing/gnss/ublox/navpvt | ublox_msgs/msg/NavPVT |
/sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw | sensor_msgs/msg/Imu |
/sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud | sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 |
/sensing/lidar/*/velodyne_packets | velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan |
/tf | tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage |
/vehicle/status/control_mode | autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/ControlModeReport |
/vehicle/status/gear_status | autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/GearReport |
/vehicle/status/steering_status | autoware_vehicle_msgs/SteeringReport |
/vehicle/status/turn_indicators_status | autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/TurnIndicatorsReport |
/vehicle/status/velocity_status | autoware_vehicle_msgs/msg/VelocityReport |
Topics that must not be included in the input rosbag#
Topic name | Data type |
/clock | rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock |
The clock is output by the --clock option of ros2 bag play, so if it is recorded in the bag itself, it is output twice, so it is not included in the bag.
About Evaluation#
State the information necessary for the evaluation.
Scenario Format#
There are two types of evaluation: use case evaluation and database evaluation. Use case evaluation is performed on a single dataset, while database evaluation uses multiple datasets and takes the average of the results for each dataset.
In the database evaluation, the vehicle_id
should be able to be set for each data set, since the calibration values may change.
Also, it is necessary to set whether or not to activate the sensing module.
See sample.
Evaluation Result Format#
See sample.
The evaluation results by perception_eval under the conditions specified in the scenario are output for each frame. Only the final line has a different format from the other lines since the final metrics are calculated after all data has been flushed.
The format of each frame and the metrics format are shown below. NOTE: common part of the result file format, which has already been explained, is omitted.
Format of each frame:
"Frame": {
"FrameName": "Frame number of t4_dataset used for evaluation",
"FrameSkip": "The total number of times the evaluation was skipped, which occurs when the evaluation of an object is requested but there is no Ground Truth in the dataset within 75msec, or when the number of footprint.points is 1 or 2.",
"criteria0": {
// result of criteria 0, If the Ground Truth and recognition objects exist
"PassFail": {
"Result": { "Total": "Success or Fail", "Frame": "Success or Fail" },
"Info": {
"TP": "Number of filtered objects determined to be TP",
"FP": "Number of filtered objects determined to be FP",
"FN": "Number of filtered objects determined to be FN"
"Objects": {
// Evaluated objects information. See the [json schema](../../driving_log_replayer_v2/config/perception/object_output_schema.json) for details.
"criteria1": {
// result of criteria 1. If the Ground Truth and the recognition objects do not exist
"NoGTNoObj": "Number of times that the Ground Truth and the recognition objects were filtered and could not be evaluated."
Warning Data Format:
"Frame": {
"Warning": "Warning Message",
"FrameSkip": "The total number of times the evaluation was skipped, which occurs when the evaluation of an object is requested but there is no Ground Truth in the dataset within 75msec, or when the number of footprint.points is 1 or 2."
Objects Data Format:
See json schema
Metrics Data Format:
When the evaluation_task
is detection or tracking
"Frame": {
"FinalScore": {
"Score": {
"TP": {
"ALL": "TP rate for all labels",
"label0": "TP rate of label0",
"label1": "TP rate of label1"
"FP": {
"ALL": "FP rate for all labels",
"label0": "FP rate of label0",
"label1": "FP rate of label1"
"FN": {
"ALL": "FN rate for all labels",
"label0": "FN rate of label0",
"label1": "FN rate of label1"
"TN": {
"ALL": "TN rate for all labels",
"label0": "TN rate of label0",
"label1": "TN rate of label1"
"AP(Center Distance)": {
"ALL": "AP(Center Distance) rate for all labels",
"label0": "AP(Center Distance) rate of label0",
"label1": "AP(Center Distance) rate of label1"
"APH(Center Distance)": {
"ALL": "APH(Center Distance) rate for all labels",
"label0": "APH(Center Distance) rate of label0",
"label1": "APH(Center Distance) rate of label1"
"AP(IoU 2D)": {
"ALL": "AP(IoU 2D) rate for all labels",
"label0": "AP(IoU 2D) rate of label0",
"label1": "AP(IoU 2D) rate of label1"
"APH(IoU 2D)": {
"ALL": "APH(IoU 2D) rate for all labels",
"label0": "APH(IoU 2D) rate of label0",
"label1": "APH(IoU 2D) rate of label1"
"AP(IoU 3D)": {
"ALL": "AP(IoU 3D) rate for all labels",
"label0": "AP(IoU 3D) rate of label0",
"label1": "AP(IoU 3D) rate of label1"
"APH(IoU 3D)": {
"ALL": "APH(IoU 3D) rate for all labels",
"label0": "APH(IoU 3D) rate of label0",
"label1": "APH(IoU 3D) rate of label1"
"AP(Plane Distance)": {
"ALL": "AP(Plane Distance) rate for all labels",
"label0": "AP(Plane Distance) rate of label0",
"label1": "AP(Plane Distance) rate of label1"
"APH(Plane Distance)": {
"ALL": "APH(Plane Distance) rate for all labels",
"label0": "APH(Plane Distance) rate of label0",
"label1": "APH(Plane Distance) rate of label1"
"MOTA": {"https://github.com/tier4/autoware_perception_evaluation/blob/develop/docs/en/perception/metrics.md#tracking"},
"MOTA": {"https://github.com/tier4/autoware_perception_evaluation/blob/develop/docs/en/perception/metrics.md#tracking"},
"IDswitch": {"https://github.com/tier4/autoware_perception_evaluation/blob/develop/docs/en/perception/metrics.md#id-switch"},
"Error": {
"ALL": {
"average": {
"x": "x position",
"y": "y position",
"yaw": "yaw",
"length": "length",
"width": "width",
"vx": "x velocity",
"vy": "y velocity",
"nn_plane": "Nearest neighbor plane distance"
"rms": {
"x": "x position",
"y": "y position",
"yaw": "yaw",
"length": "length",
"width": "width",
"vx": "x velocity",
"vy": "y velocity",
"nn_plane": "Nearest neighbor plane distance"
"std": {
"x": "x position",
"y": "y position",
"yaw": "yaw",
"length": "length",
"width": "width",
"vx": "x velocity",
"vy": "y velocity",
"nn_plane": "Nearest neighbor plane distance"
"max": {
"x": "x position",
"y": "y position",
"yaw": "yaw",
"length": "length",
"width": "width",
"vx": "x velocity",
"vy": "y velocity",
"nn_plane": "Nearest neighbor plane distance"
"min": {
"x": "x position",
"y": "y position",
"yaw": "yaw",
"length": "length",
"width": "width",
"vx": "x velocity",
"vy": "y velocity",
"nn_plane": "Nearest neighbor plane distance"
"label0": "Error metrics for the label0"
When the evaluation_task
is fp_validation
"Frame": {
"FinalScore": {
"GroundTruthStatus": {
"UUID": {
"rate": {
"TP": "TP rate of the displyed UUID",
"FP": "FP rate of the displyed UUID",
"TN": "TN rate of the displyed UUID",
"FN": "FN rate of the displyed UUID"
"frame_nums": {
"total": "List of frame numbers, which GT is evaluated",
"TP": "List of frame numbers, which GT is evaluated as TP",
"FP": "List of frame numbers, which GT is evaluated as FP",
"TN": "List of frame numbers, which GT is evaluated as TN",
"FN": "List of frame numbers, which GT is evaluated as FN"
"Scene": {
"TP": "TP rate of the scene",
"FP": "FP rate of the scene",
"TN": "TN rate of the scene",
"FN": "FN rate of the scene"
pickle file#
In database evaluation, it is necessary to replay multiple rosbags, but due to the ROS specification, it is impossible to use multiple bags in a single launch.
Since one rosbag, i.e., one t4_dataset
, requires one launch, it is necessary to execute as many launches as the number of datasets contained in the database evaluation.
Since database evaluation cannot be done in a single launch, perception outputs a file scene_result.pkl
in addition to result.jsonl
A pickle file is a python object saved as a file, PerceptionEvaluationManager.frame_results of perception_eval.
The dataset evaluation can be performed by reading all the objects recorded in the pickle file and outputting the index of the dataset's average.
Result file of database evaluation#
In the case of a database evaluation with multiple datasets in the scenario, a file named database_result.json
is output to the results directory.
The format is the same as the Metrics Data Format.