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Recording with CARET#

This page explains usage of CARET with a sample application. The sample application is located on CARET_demos repository.

Building application with CARET#

To trace a target application, the target should be built with CARET/rclcpp. CARET/rclcpp is a fork of ROS 2-based rclcpp which has some additional tracepoints defined by CARET. If you have already built the target without CARET/rclcpp, you have to build the target with CARET/rclcpp again.

For building the application with CARET/rclcpp, CARET's local_setup.bash should be applied along with ROS 2's setup.bash as shown below.

mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_ws

git clone src/CARET_demos
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source ~/ros2_caret_ws/install/local_setup.bash # please keep the order after 'source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash'

colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to caret_demos --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF


Reason to build the target with CARET/rclcpp is explained here.
Some tracepoints must be added to template implementation, which is referred by rclcpp header files, for CARET to record a target application.
In order to apply rclcpp which has the additional tracepoints, the target have to be built with CARET/rclcpp again.
Therefore, CARET cannot trace the application provided by Ubuntu's aptitude such as demo_nodes_cpp.
If you want to trace such pre-build packages, please build them again from source code.


Reason for giving -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF. To use CARET, you need to use forked shared libraries and headers such as caret-rclcpp. In the test codes, caret-rclcpp is not available due to loading priority issues for headers. Depending on the version of CARET, conflicts may occur between the shared libraries of ros-rclcpp and the headers of cadret-rclcpp, resulting in compile errors. Therefore, the test codes are excluded from building.

Tracing the sample application with CARET#

Starting LTTng session#

CARET depends on LTTng for tracing applications. LTTng session has to be executed while a target application runs. You can execute LTTng session, for CARET, with a simple command interface as well as ros2-tracing.

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash

# set a destination directory. ~/.ros/tracing is default.
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/evaluate
export ROS_TRACE_DIR=~/ros2_ws/evaluate
ros2 trace -s e2e_sample -k -u "ros2*"
# Start session with pressing Enter key

# with "-s" option, you can give session name
# the recorded data will be stored into ~/ros_ws/evaluate/e2e_sample in this sample

Note that if you execute the target application before executing LTTng session will result in a lack of trace points.

You can execute LTTng session via ROS launch system. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to LTTng セッションの開始方法.
When you execute a LTTng session in one terminal, you have to open another terminal for executing the target application. Operating multiple terminals is laborious for users. Launch LTTng session along with application by ros2 launch is a reasonable way to apply CARET repeatedly.

Launching the target application#

  1. Open new terminal and run the target as shown in the following

    On the new terminal, as the target refers to CARET/rclcpp, CARET's local_setup.bash should be applied along with ROS 2's setup.bash

    # keep the order as below
    source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    source ~/ros2_caret_ws/install/local_setup.bash
    source ~/ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash
  2. Check whether CARET/rclcpp is applied to each package

    The following command allows you to check whether CARET/rclcpp is applied to each package. If caret/rclcpp is not applied to the package you want to record, please check which rclcpp is used for the target and your workspace's environment variables.

    # In case there are packages to which CARET/rclcpp is not applied
    ros2 caret check_caret_rclcpp --workspace ~/ros2_ws/
    # The following message will be outputted
    WARNING : 2022-06-12 12:25:26 | The following packages have not been built using caret-rclcpp:
    # In case CARET/rclcpp is applied to all packages
    ros2 caret check_caret_rclcpp --workspace ~/ros2_ws/
    INFO    : 2022-06-12 12:26:49 | All packages are built using caret-rclcpp.
  3. Set LD_PRELOAD for adding tracepoints provided by function hook

    # Enable tracepoints which are defined hooked functions.
    export LD_PRELOAD=$(readlink -f ~/ros2_caret_ws/install/caret_trace/lib/
  4. (Optional) Exclude nodes and topics which you are not concerned with

    export CARET_IGNORE_NODES="/rviz*"
    export CARET_IGNORE_TOPICS="/clock:/parameter_events"

    CARET serves trace filtering(in Japanese). With configuration of trace filtering, CARET can ignore nodes and topics. This function is useful for a large application.

  5. Launch the target application, demos_end_to_end_sample

    ros2 launch caret_demos
    ^C # Finish with Ctrl+C after several seconds
    [WARNING] [launch]: user interrupted with ctrl-c (SIGINT)
    [end_to_end_sample-1] [INFO] [1631481246.160958444] [rclcpp]: signal_handler(signal_value=2)
    [INFO] [end_to_end_sample-1]: process has finished cleanly [pid 722356]

    You can finish the target application and LTTng session. LTTng session will be closed if you push Enter key on the terminal where the LTTng session runs.


You may find that size of recorded data is strangely smaller than expected after updating LTTng to 2.13 if you apply CARET to a large application like Autoware which has hundreds of nodes. You have to suspect that maximum number of file descriptors is not enough in the case. You can check the number with ulimit -n command. The default maximum number is 1024, but it is not enough for the large application. You can avoid this problem by enlarging the maximum number with executing the command; ulimit -n 65536.

Validating recorded data briefly#

You can check whether tracing is successful or not with ros2 caret check_ctf command before analyzing recorded data.

ros2 caret check_ctf -d ~/ros2_ws/evaluate/e2e_sample/

# If there are problems with the recorded data, warning messages will be displayed.


Executing the ros2 caret check_ctf command for long recorded data or recorded data of a large application takes a long time to complete execution. Therefore, it is recommended to execute the ros2 caret check_ctf command on a short duration of recorded data before long-time recording.

Tracer discarded error#

Tracer discarded will be observed in some case, especially when applying CARET to a large application. If you find this error, CARET has failed in sampling tracepoints.

WARNING : 2022-04-27 08:29:08 | Tracer discarded 42 events between 1650854449589056449 and 1650854449603217243.
WARNING : 2022-04-27 08:29:14 | Tracer discarded 29 events between 1650854463006767890 and 1650854463024865609.
WARNING : 2022-04-27 08:29:14 | Tracer discarded 12 events between 1650854463026376513 and 1650854463044841704.

LTTng session collects sampling data generated by tracepoints. Sampling data are stored into ring-buffer as explained LTTng documents. After a piece of ring-buffer is occupied, sampling data is stored into next empty piece while the occupied piece is copied to file. If there is no room to store sampling data in all pieces of ring-buffer, sampling data will be discarded.

You can avoid this error with the following two approach.

  • to filter topics and nodes which can be ignored with trace filtering explained in the previous section
    • especially, filtering highly-frequent nodes and topics is effective
    • highly-frequent nodes/topics can be identified by checking the summary of trace data
  • to increase size of ring buffer defined in