Callback Scheduling Visualization#
The function callback_sched()
visualizes the callback scheduling of targets, such as Node, Path, Executor, and Callbackgroup.
from caret_analyze import Architecture, Application, Lttng
from caret_analyze.plot import callback_sched
arch = Architecture('lttng', './e2e_sample')
lttng = Lttng('./e2e_sample')
app = Application(arch, lttng)
# target: node
node = app.get_node('node_name') # get node object
# target: executor
executor = app.get_executor('executor_name') # get executor object
# target: executor
cbg = app.get_callback_group('cbg_name') # get callback group object
- Callback Scheduling Visualization
- Colored rectangles indicate the callback execution time (callback_start to callback_end)
- Information about the callback will be displayed by hovering over the translucent colored areas.
- Timer Event Visualization
- Arrows are the expected start timing of the timer callback
- If timer callbacks start with delay (5 ms or more), the arrows turn red (if on time, white)