Exceptions Exceptions package. This package defines exceptions raised by CARET. Error # Bases: Exception Base class for exception in this module. Use this class when catching CARET-related errors. Note: The inherited class defines a constructor unnecessarily. Refactoring is needed. InvalidArgumentError # Bases: Error Failed to process function. InvalidReaderError # Bases: Error Failed to load architecture. InvalidRecordsError # Bases: Error Given Records does not have the necessary columns. InvalidTraceFormatError # Bases: Error Failed to load trace data. InvalidYamlFormatError # Bases: Error Failed to load yaml. ItemNotFoundError # Bases: Error Failed to identify an item that matches the condition. MultipleItemFoundError # Bases: Error Failed to identify an item that matches the condition. TraceResultAnalyzeError # Bases: Error Failed to parse trace results. __init__(*args) # Construct exception instance. UnsupportedNodeRecordsError # Bases: Error Failed to calculate node path records. UnsupportedTypeError # Bases: Error Given type is unsupported.