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Behavior Velocity Planner#


behavior_velocity_planner is a planner that adjust velocity based on the traffic rules. It consists of several modules.

  • Blind Spot
  • Crosswalk
  • Detection Area
  • Intersection
  • Stop Line
  • Traffic Light
  • Occlusion Spot

When each module plans velocity, it considers based on base_link(center of rear-wheel axis) pose. So for example, in order to stop at a stop line with the vehicles' front on the stop line, it calculates base_link position from the distance between base_link to front and modifies path velocity from the base_link position.


Input topics#

Name Type Description
~input/path_with_lane_id autoware_planning_msgs::PathWithLaneId path with lane_id
~input/vector_map autoware_lanelet2_msgs::MapBin vector map
~input/vehicle_velocity geometry_msgs::TwistStamped vehicle velocity
~input/dynamic_objects autoware_perception_msgs::DynamicObjectArray dynamic objects
~input/no_ground_pointcloud sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 obstacle pointcloud
~input/traffic_light_states autoware_perception_msgs::TrafficLightStateArray traffic light states

Output topics#

Name Type Description
~output/path autoware_planning_msgs::Path path to be followed
~output/stop_reasons autoware_planning_msgs::StopReasonArray reasons that cause the vehicle to stop

Node parameters#

Parameter Type Description
launch_blind_spot bool whether to launch blind_spot module
launch_crosswalk bool whether to launch crosswalk module
launch_detection_area bool whether to launch detection_area module
launch_intersection bool whether to launch intersection module
launch_traffic_light bool whether to launch traffic light module
launch_stop_line bool whether to launch stop_line module
launch_occlusion_spot bool whether to launch occlusion_spot module
forward_path_length double forward path length
backward_path_length double backward path length
max_accel double (to be a global parameter) max acceleration of the vehicle
delay_response_time double (to be a global parameter) delay time of the vehicle's response to control commands


Stop Line#


This module plans velocity so that the vehicle can stop right before stop lines and restart driving after stopped.

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
stop_margin double a margin that the vehicle tries to stop before stop_line
stop_check_dist double when the vehicle is within stop_check_dist from stop_line and stopped, move to STOPPED state


uml diagram

This algorithm is based on segment. segment consists of two node points. It's useful for removing boundary conditions because if segment(i) exists we can assume node(i) and node(i+1) exist.


First, this algorithm finds a collision between reference path and stop line. Then, we can get collision segment and collision point.


Next, based on collision point, it finds offset segment by iterating backward points up to a specific offset length. The offset length is stop_margin(parameter) + base_link to front(to adjust head pose to stop line). Then, we can get offset segment and offset from segment start.


After that, we can calculate a offset point from offset segment and offset. This will be stop_pose.


Traffic Light#


Judgement of a stop and a velocity planning according to a traffic light color.


Launch Timing#

Launches when there is a traffic light on a target lane


  1. Obtains a traffic light mapped to the route and a stop line correspond to the traffic light from a map information.

  2. Uses the highest reliability one of the traffic light recognition result and if the color of that was red, generates a stop point.

  3. When vehicle current velocity is

    • higher than 2.0m/s ⇒ pass judge(using next slide formula)
    • lower than 2.0m/s ⇒ stop
  4. When it to be judged that vehicle can’t stop before stop line, autoware chooses one of the following behaviors

    • "can pass through" stop line during yellow lamp => pass
    • "can’t pass through" stop line during yellow lamp => emergency stop

Dilemma Zone#


  • yellow lamp line

    It’s called “yellow lamp line” which shows the distance traveled by the vehicle during yellow lamp.

  • dilemma zone

    It’s called “dilemma zone” which satisfies following conditions:

    • vehicle can’t pass through stop line during yellow lamp.(right side of the yellow lamp line)
    • vehicle can’t stop under deceleration and jerk limit.(left side of the pass judge curve)

      ⇒emergency stop(relax deceleration and jerk limitation in order to observe the traffic regulation)

  • optional zone

    It’s called “optional zone” which satisfies following conditions:

    • vehicle can pass through stop line during yellow lamp.(left side of the yellow lamp line)
    • vehicle can stop under deceleration and jerk limit.(right side of the pass judge curve)

      ⇒ stop(autoware selects the safety choice)

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
stop_margin double [m] margin before stop point
tl_state_timeout double [s] time out for detected traffic light result.
external_tl_state_timeout double [s] time out for external traffic input
yellow_lamp_period double [s] time for yellow lamp
enable_pass_judge bool [-] weather to use pass judge


uml diagram



Judgement whether a vehicle can go into an intersection or not by a dynamic object information, and planning a velocity of the start/stop


Launch Timing#

Launches when there is an intersection area on a target lane

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
intersection/state_transit_margin_time double [m] time margin to change state
intersection/decel_velocity double [m] deceleration velocity in intersection
intersection/stop_line_margin double [m] margin before stop line
intersection/stuck_vehicle_detect_dist double [m] this should be the length between cars when they are stopped.
intersection/stuck_vehicle_ignore_dist double [m] obstacle stop max distance(5.0m) + stuck vehicle size / 2 (0.0m-)
intersection/stuck_vehicle_vel_thr double [m/s] velocity below 3[km/h] is ignored by default
intersection/intersection_velocity double [m/s] velocity to pass intersection. 10[km/h] is by default
intersection/intersection_max_accel double [m/s^2] acceleration in intersection
intersection/detection_area_margin double [m] range for expanding detection area
intersection/detection_area_length double [m] range for lidar detection 200m is by default
intersection/detection_area_angle_threshold double [rad] threshold of angle difference between the detection object and lane
intersection/min_predicted_path_confidence double [-] minimum confidence value of predicted path to use for collision detection
collision_start_margin_time double [s] margin time before objects enter intersection lane
collision_end_margin_time double [s] margin time after objects exit intersection lane
merge_from_private_road/stop_duration_sec double [s] duration to stop


uml diagram

NOTE current state is treated as STOP if is_entry_prohibited = true else GO



Judgement whether a vehicle can go into a crosswalk and plan a velocity of the start/stop.

Launch Timing#

Launches when there is a crosswalk on the target lane.

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
crosswalk/stop_line_distance double [m] make stop line away from crosswalk when no explicit stop line exists
crosswalk/stop_margin double [m] a margin that the vehicle tries to stop before stop_line
crosswalk/slow_margin bool [m] a margin that the vehicle tries to slow down before stop_line
crosswalk/slow_velocity double [m] a slow down velocity
crosswalk/stop_dynamic_object_prediction_time_margin double [s] time margin for decision of ego vehicle to stop or not
walkway/stop_line_distance double [m] make stop line away from crosswalk when no explicit stop line exists
walkway/stop_margin double [m] a margin that the vehicle tries to stop before walkway
walkway/stop_duration_sec double [s] time margin for decision of ego vehicle to stop


flow chart is almost the same as stop line.

Detection Area#


If pointcloud is detected in a detection area defined on a map, the stop planning will be executed at the predetermined point.


Launch Timing#

Launches if there is a detection area on the target lane.


  1. Gets a detection area and stop line from map information and confirms if there is pointcloud in the detection area
  2. Inserts stop point l[m] in front of the stop line
  3. Inserts a pass judge point to a point where the vehicle can stop with a max deceleration
  4. Sets velocity as zero behind the stop line when the ego-vehicle is in front of the pass judge point
  5. If the ego vehicle has passed the pass judge point already, it doesn’t stop and pass through.

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
stop_margin double [m] a margin that the vehicle tries to stop before stop_line
use_dead_line bool [-] weather to use dead line or not
dead_line_margin double [m] ignore threshold that vehicle behind is collide with ego vehicle or not
use_pass_judge_line bool [-] weather to use pass judge line or not
state_clear_time double [s] when the vehicle is stopping for certain time without incoming obstacle, move to STOPPED state


uml diagram

Blind Spot#


Blind spot check while turning right/left by a dynamic object information, and planning and planning of a velocity of the start/stop.



Sets a stop line, a pass judge line, a detection area and conflict area based on a map information and a self position.

  • Stop line : Automatically created based on crossing lane information.
  • Pass judge line : A position to judge if stop or not to avoid a rapid brake.
  • Detection area : Right/left side area of the self position.
  • Conflict area : Right/left side area from the self position to the stop line.

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
stop_line_margin double [m] a margin that the vehicle tries to stop before stop_line
backward_length double [m] distance from closest path point to the edge of beginning point.
ignore_width_from_center_line double [m] ignore threshold that vehicle behind is collide with ego vehicle or not
max_future_movement_time double [s] maximum time for considering future movement of object


uml diagram

Occlusion Spot#


This module plans safe velocity to slow down before reaching collision point that hidden object is darting out from occlusion spot where driver can't see clearly because of obstacles.


Occlusion Spot Private#

This module only works in private road and use occupancy grid map to detect occlusion spots.

Occlusion Spot Public#

This module only works in public road and use dynamic objects to detect occlusion spots.

Considering all occupancy grid cells inside focus range requires a lot of computation cost, so this module ignores to search farther occlusion spot which is longitudinally or laterally slice once occlusion spot is found.



This module insert safe velocity at collision point and show virtual wall at intersection below.


Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
pedestrian_vel double [m/s] maximum velocity assumed pedestrian coming out from occlusion point
safety_time_buffer double [m/s] time buffer for the system delay
Parameter /threshold Type Description
detection_area_length double [m] the length of path to consider occlusion spot
stuck_vehicle_vel double [m/s] velocity below this value is assumed to stop
lateral_distance double [m] maximum lateral distance to consider hidden collision
Parameter /(public or private)_road Type Description
min_velocity double [m/s] minimum velocity to ignore occlusion spot
ebs_decel double [m/s^2] maximum deceleration to assume for emergency braking system.
pbs_decel double [m/s^2] deceleration to assume for predictive braking system
Parameter /sidewalk Type Description
min_occlusion_spot_size double [m] the length of path to consider occlusion spot
focus_range double [m] buffer around the ego path used to build the sidewalk area.
Parameter /grid Type Description
free_space_max double [-] maximum value of a free space cell in the occupancy grid
occupied_min double [-] buffer around the ego path used to build the sidewalk area.


uml diagram

No Stopping Area#


This module plans to avoid stop in 'no stopping area`.



Parameter Type Description
state_clear_time double [s] time to clear stop state
stuck_vehicle_vel_thr double [m/s] vehicles below this velocity are considered as stuck vehicle.
stop_margin double [m] margin to stop line at no stopping area
dead_line_margin double [m] if ego pass this position GO
stop_line_margin double [m] margin to auto-gen stop line at no stopping area
detection_area_length double [m] length of searching polygon
stuck_vehicle_front_margin double [m] obstacle stop max distance


uml diagram