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get topic#


  • get vehicle status
  • MessageType: awapi_awiv_adapter/AwapiVehicleStatus
type name unit note
std_msgs/Header header
geometry_msgs/Pose pose position:[m]
awapi_awiv_adapter/Euler eulerangle [rad] roll/pitch/yaw
geographic_msgs/GeoPoint geo_point lat/lon/alt
float64 velocity [m/s]
float64 acceleration [m/ss] calculate from velocity in awapi_adapter
float64 steering [rad]
float64 steering_velocity [rad/s] calculate from steering in awapi_adapter
float64 angular_velocity [rad/s]
int32 gear according to autoware_vehicle_msgs/Shift
float32 energy_level available only for golf-cart
int32 turn_signal according to autoware_vehicle_msgs/TurnSignal
float64 target_velocity [m/s]
float64 target_acceleration [m/ss]
float64 target_steering [rad]
float64 target_steering_velocity [rad/s]


  • get autoware status
  • MessageType: awapi_awiv_adapter/AwapiVehicleStatus
type name unit note
std_msgs/Header header
string autoware_state
int32 control_mode according to autoware_vehicle_msgs/ControlMode manual/auto (changed by /awapi/autoware/put/engage)
int32 gate_mode autoware_vehicle_msgs/GateMode auto/remote (it is valid only when control_mode=auto))
bool emergency_stopped True in emergency mode
float32 current_max_velocity [m/s]
autoware_system_msgs/HazardStatus hazard_status system hazard status
autoware_planning_msgs/StopReasonArray stop_reason "stop_pose" represents the position of "base_link" (not the head of the car)
diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus[] diagnostics output only diag. of leaf node (diag. of parent node are cut)
diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus[] error_diagnostics diagnostics that are the cause of system emergency
bool arrived_goal True if the autoware_state is changed from Driving to ArrivedGoal or WaitingForRoute. False if the autoware_state is changed to WaitingForEngage or Driving. Default False.
  • specification of stop_reason
    • stop_reason is output only when the following conditions are met.
      • stop_point in stop_reason is close to /planning/scenario_planning/trajectory (within 10m).
      • The distance between current position and stop_point is less than stop_reason_thresh_dist.


  • get route
  • MessageType: autoware_planning_msgs/Route
type name unit note


  • get flag of exceeding stop speed or not
    • True: exceed the stop speed ( = "cannot stop before the stop line")
    • False: not exceed the stop speed ( = "no stop line in the trajectory" or "possible to stop before the stop line" )
  • MessageType: autoware_planning_msgs/StopSpeedExceedStatus
type name unit note
autoware_planning_msgs/StopSpeedExceedStatus -


  • get predicted object
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/DynamicObjectArray
type name unit note


  • get lane change information
  • MessageType: awapi_awiv_adapter/LaneChangeStatus
type name unit note
std_msgs/Header header
bool force_lane_change_available True when lane change is available available: Physically lane changeable state (do not consider other vehicle)
bool lane_change_ready True when lane change is ready ready: State that ego-vehicle can change lane without collision with other vehicle
autoware_planning_msgs/Path candidate_path according to autoware_planning_msgs/Path


  • get obstacle avoidance information
  • MessageType: awapi_awiv_adapter/ObstacleAvoidanceStatus
type name unit note
std_msgs/Header header
bool obstacle_avoidance_ready True when obstacle avoidance is ready
autoware_planning_msgs/Trajectory candidate_path according to autoware_planning_msgs/Trajectory Msg type is different from lane change candidate path


  • get recognition result of traffic light
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/TrafficLightStateArray
type name unit note


  • get recognition result of nearest traffic light
  • MessageType: autoware_perception_msgs/LookingTrafficLightState
type name unit note
std_msgs/Header header
autoware_perception_msgs/TrafficLightStateWithJudge perception traffic light information from autoware perception module
autoware_perception_msgs/TrafficLightStateWithJudge external traffic light information from external tool/module
autoware_perception_msgs/TrafficLightStateWithJudge final traffic light information used by the planning module finally
  • The contents of TrafficLightStateWithJudge.msg is following.
type name unit note
autoware_perception_msgs/TrafficLightState state traffic light color/arrow
uint8 judge 0:NONE, 1:STOP, 2:GO go/stop judgment based on the color/arrow of the traffic light


  • get door status
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/DoorStatus.msg
type name unit note
autoware_api_msgs/DoorStatus status 0:UNKNOWN, 1:DOOR_OPENED, 2:DOOR_CLOSED 3:DOOR_OPENING, 4:DOOR_CLOSING, 5:NOT_APPLICABLE available only for the vehicle using pacmod
  • Now, available status is following: (0:UNKNOWN, 1:DOOR_OPENED, 2:DOOR_CLOSED, 5:NOT_APPLICABLE ).
  • 5 (NOT_APPLICABLE) is published if the pacmod is not used
  • Due to the specifications of pacmod, the last door open / close command is published as the status.
  • The status is 0 (UNKNOWN) until the door open / close command is published once.

put topic#


  • set upper velocity
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/VelocityLimit
type name unit note
autoware_api_msgs/VelocityLimit max velocity


  • set temporary stop signal
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/StopCommand
  • Specification

    • send True: send upper velocity to 0
    • send False: resend last received upper velocity
      • (if upper velocity have never received, send default_max_velocity value.)
      • default_max_velocity refers to the param: /planning/scenario_planning/motion_velocity_optimizer/max_velocity
    type name unit note


  • send gate mode (auto/remote)
  • MessageType: autoware_control_msgs/GateMode
type name unit note


  • send emergency_stop signal
  • MessageType: autoware_control_msgs/EmergencyMode
  • To enable this functionality, autoware have to be in the Remote Mode or set /control/vehicle_cmd_gate/use_external_emergency_stop to true.
type name unit note


  • send engage signal (both of autoware/engage and vehicle/engage)
  • MessageType: autoware_vehicle_msgs/Engage
type name unit note


  • send goal pose
  • MessageType: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
type name unit note


  • send route
  • MessageType: autoware_planning_msgs/Route
type name unit note


  • send lane change approval flag
  • send True: start lane change when lane_change_ready is true
  • MessageType: autoware_planning_msgs/LaneChangeCommand
type name unit note


  • send force lane change flag
  • send True: start lane change when force_lane_change_available is true
  • MessageType: autoware_planning_msgs/LaneChangeCommand
type name unit note


  • send object avoidance approval flag
  • MessageType: autoware_planning_msgs/EnableAvoidance
type name unit note


  • send force object avoidance flag
  • not implemented (Autoware does not have corresponded topic)
type name unit note


  • Overwrite the recognition result of traffic light
  • MessageType: autoware_perception_msgs/TrafficLightStateArray
type name unit note


  • send door command
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/DoorCommand
    • send True: open door
    • send False: close door
type name unit note
autoware_api_msgs/DoorCommand available only for the vehicle using pacmod


  • send crosswalk status
    • forcibly rewrite the internal state of crosswalk module
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/CrossWalkStatus
type name unit note
std_msgs/Header header
int32 status 0:STOP, 1:GO, 2:SLOWDOWN


  • send intersection status
    • forcibly rewrite the internal state of intersection module
  • MessageType: autoware_api_msgs/CrosswalkStatus
type name unit note
std_msgs/Header header
int32 status 0:STOP, 1:GO


  • send expand range of the polygon used by obstacle stop [m]
  • MessageType: autoware_planning_msgs/ExpandStopRange
type name unit note