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CenterPoint TensorRT#

This is a 3D object detection implementation of CenterPoint supporting TensorRT inference.

The models are trained with OpenPCDet


Input Topics#

Name Type Description
input/pointcloud PointCloud2 Point Clouds (x, y, z and intensity)

Output Topics#

Name Type Description
output/objects DynamicObjectWithFeatureArray 3D Bounding Box
debug/pointcloud_densification PointCloud2 multi-frame pointcloud

ROS Parameters#

Name Type Description Default
score_threshold float detected objects with score less than threshold are ignored 0.4
densification_base_frame string the base frame id to fuse multi-frame pointcloud map
densification_past_frames int the number of past frames to fuse with the current frame 1
use_cuda_preprocessor bool transform pointcloud to voxel-format on GPU false
use_vfe_trt bool use TensorRT VoxelFeatureEncoder false
use_head_trt bool use TensorRT DetectionHead true
trt_precision string TensorRT inference precision: fp32 or fp16 fp16
vfe_onnx_path string path to VoxelFeatureEncoder ONNX file
vfe_engine_path string path to VoxelFeatureEncoder TensorRT Engine file
vfe_pt_path string path to VoxelFeatureEncoder TorchScript file
head_onnx_path string path to DetectionHead ONNX file
head_engine_path string path to DetectionHead TensorRT Engine file
head_pt_path string path to DetectionHead TorchScript file

For Developers#

If you have an error like 'GOMP_4.5' not found, replace the OpenMP library in libtorch.

sudo apt install libgomp1 -y
rm /path/to/libtorch/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /path/to/libtorch/lib/


Yin, Tianwei, Xingyi Zhou, and Philipp Krähenbühl. "Center-based 3d object detection and tracking." arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.11275 (2020).

Reference Repositories#