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Obstacles such as walls or parked trucks can obstruct visibility and create “blind spots” in the environment. The occupancy grid generated by the perception modules contains information about unknown space but this is not currently used by the planning modules.

Goal: consider blind spots during velocity planning.

Approach: assume moving obstacles coming out of blind spots and adjust the velocity profile to stop before the collision point with these obstacles.

This node takes the path generated by mission planner and changes its velocity if necessary.


slow down to the velocity that we can stop before possible collision using emergency braking system (EBS) within predictive braking system (PBS) allowed deceleration.


The parameters are described in config/blindspot_safety_planner.yaml

option Type Description Default value
safety_time_buffer double [s] additional time buffer to consider that ego can pass before an obstacle 0.5
use_custom_iterator bool [-] to use custom polygon iterator false

Filter To Ignore Unnecessary Case#

filter Type Description Default value
passable_collisions bool [-] if true ignore collisions that ego can pass with its current velocity profile BEFORE the obstacle reaches it false
lanelets_with_traffic_lights bool [-] if true, ignore obstacle coming from lanelets with traffic lights false
only_closest_road_collision bool [-] if true, only the closest possible collision with a road obstacle is calculated false

Public/Private Road Case#

we assume worst case around public/private road blind spot is car darting out into ego vehicle's trajectory

obstacle Type Description Default value
obstacle_vel double [m/s] minimum velocity assumed for blind spot road obstacles 3.0
min_blindspot_size double [m/s] default velocity used for blindspot road obstacles if no speed limit is available 8.0

Sidewalk Case#

we assume worst case around sidewalk blind spot is pedestrian darting out into ego vehicle's trajectory

sidewalk Type Description Default value
obstacle_vel double [m/s] assumed velocity for blind spot sidewalk obstacles 1.6
min_blindspot_size double [m/s] assumed velocity for blind spot sidewalk obstacles 5.0
enable bool [-] if true, areas on each side of the ego trajectory are checked for blind spots true
size double [m] buffer around the ego trajectory used to build the sidewalk area. 5.0

Crosswalk Case#

we assume worst case around crosswalk blind spot is bicycle darting out into ego vehicle's trajectory

crosswalk Type Description Default value
obstacle_vel double [m/s] assumed velocity for blind spot crosswalk obstacles 5.0

Threshold To Care About Sidewalk#

road_type_velocity_threshold Type Description Default value
public double [m/s] roads with velocity above this value are considered "public" roads. Bellow is considered "private" 10.0
highway double [m/s] roads with velocity above this value are considered "highways" 20.0

Debug Info#

debug Type Description Default value
debug/publish_info bool [-] if true, debug markers are published by the node false
debug/print_info bool [-] if true, print info are out by the node false

Implementation Details#

Detecting possible blindspot positions#

We convert the occupancy grid to a GridMap (

) from which we extract the positions of cells with values corresponding to UNKNOWN space. We are only interested in cells adjacent to FREESPACE cells and we separate the resulting blind spot edges based on the type of lanelet they belong to: road or sidewalk.

Detecting collisions (generatePossibleVehicleCollisions())#

We are interesting in collisions with the ego trajectory which we represent with a dummy Lanelet object with the trajectory as its centerline (buildTrajectoryLanelet()). It is mostly used for projecting points on the trajectory and calculate their longitudinal/lateral distance from ego (using lanelet::geometry::toArcCoordinates()).

With road vehicle (generatePossibleVehicleCollisions())#

Possible collisions with other vehicles are detected by creating a polygon from the trajectory Lanelet and checking intersection points with the lanelet (or successive lanelets) of a road blind spot. The closest intersection point from the blindspot is set as the collision point. Can be turned on/off with parameter enable_road_obstacles.

With sidewalk pedestrian/bicycles (generatePossibleBicycleCollisions(), generatePossibleOtherCollisions())#

Possible collisions with pedestrian or bicycles are detected by drawing a straight line between the blind spot position and the ego trajectory. The point of the trajectory with the shortest line that does not cross an OCCUPIED cell is set as the collision point. A distinction is made between blindspot points that are outside of any lanelets (other) and those that are inside non-road lanelets (sidewalk). These can turned on/off with parameter sidewalk_enable_obstacles and enable_other_obstacles.

Collision Filtering (filtercCollisions())#

Redundant collisions#

Some collisions can be considered redundant if there exist another collision at the same point, for the same velocity, but where the obstacle is closer to the collision point.