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Smoothens the reference path velocity with velocity and acceleration limit constraint.


The overall flowchart of the motion_velocity_optimizer is described below.

Feature details#



Subscribed Topic

  • ~input/trajectory [autoware_planning_msgs::Trajectory]
  • reference trajectory with max velocity
  • trigger for computation
  • /localization/twist [geometry_msgs::TwistStamped]
  • ego-vehicle velocity source
  • /planing/scenario_planning/max_velocity [std_msgs::Float32]
  • external command for max velocity

Published Topic - ~output/trajectory [autoware_planning_msgs::Trajectory] - trajectory with optimized velocity


Published TF - None

Subscribed TF - /map to /base_link - used to get the closest trajectory point

Parameter description#

The parameters are described on config/motion_velocity_optimizer.param.yaml

Constraint parameters#

Name Type Description Default value
max_velocity double Max velocity limit [m/s] 20.0
max_accel double Max acceleration limit [m/ss] 1.0
min_decel double Min deceleration limit [m/ss] -1.0

Curve parameters#

Name Type Description Default value
max_lateral_accel double Max lateral acceleration limit [m/ss] 0.5
min_curve_velocity double Min velocity at lateral acceleration limit [m/ss] 2.74
decel_distance_before_curve double Slow speed distance before a curve for lateral acceleration limit 3.5
decel_distance_after_curve double Slow speed distance after a curve for lateral acceleration limit 2.0

Engage & replan parameters#

Name Type Description Default value
replan_vel_deviation double Velocity deviation to replan initial velocity [m/s] 5.53
engage_velocity double Engage velocity threshold [m/s] (if the trajectory velocity is higher than this value, use this velocity for engage vehicle speed) 0.25
engage_acceleration double Engage acceleration [m/ss] (use this acceleration when engagement) 0.1
engage_exit_ratio double Exit engage sequence to normal velocity planning when the velocity exceeds engage_exit_ratio x engage_velocity. 0.5
stop_dist_to_prohibit_engage double If the stop point is in this distance, the speed is set to 0 not to move the vehicle [m] 0.5

For trajectory clipping & resampling#

Name Type Description Default value
extract_ahead_dist double Forward trajectory distance used for planning [m] 200.0
extract_behind_dist double backward trajectory distance used for planning [m] 5.0
delta_yaw_threshold double Allowed delta yaw between ego pose and trajectory pose [radian] 1.0472
max_trajectory_length double Max trajectory length for resampling [m] 200.0
min_trajectory_length double Min trajectory length for resampling [m] 30.0
resample_time double Resample total time [s] 10.0
resample_dt double Resample time interval [s] 0.1
min_trajectory_interval_distance double Resample points-interval length [m] 0.1

Weights for optimization#

Name Type Description Default value
pseudo_jerk_weight double Weight for "smoothness" cost 100.0
over_v_weight double Weight for "overspeed limit" cost 100000.0
over_a_weight double Weight for "overaccel limit" cost 1000.0


Name Type Description Default value
publish_debug_trajs bool publish trajectories on each computation false


Trajectories of No.4-1~4-5 shows the output of each functions in this node. 4-5 is the output of this motion_velocity_optimizer.


The debug plot like above will be shown with the following script.

$ rosrun motion_velocity_optimizer


[1] Zhang Yu, et al. (2018). Toward a More Complete, Flexible, and Safer Speed Planning for Autonomous Driving via Convex Optimization. Sensors. 18. 2185. 10.3390/s18072185.

[2] Stellato, et al. (2020). OSQP: an operator splitting solver for quadratic programs. Mathematical Programming Computation. 10.1007/s12532-020-00179-2.