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Design Overview#

NOTE: It has not been implemented yet.


Autonomous driving is a real-time system. The Topic State Monitor checks the real-time constraints of the system. To achieve the real-time constraints, a certain monitoring functionality is required to detect when nodes are performing below tolerance and react appropriately.

Introduction of Real-Time

This figure shows the high-level architecture of Autoware. An autonomous driving system consists of a set of functions. Each function would be implemented as a ROS node or a set of ROS nodes. A set of functions would have a real-time constraint.

Path Real-Time Constraint
Sensors > Sensing > Perception > Planning > Control > Vehicle I/F > Vehicle Brake reaction distance
Planning > Control > Vehicle I/F > Vehicle Braking distance accuracy
Vehicle > Vehicle I/F > Control > Vehicle I/F > Vehicle Control accuracy
Sensors > Sensing > Localization Localization accuracy

This table shows examples of real-time constraints. Each column shows a real-time constraint corresponding to a path in the architecture graph.


Formulation of Real-Time

A path in a graph is a finite sequence of edges which joins a sequence of vertices which are all distinct (and since the vertices are distinct, so are the edges). The words trail and walk are not used in this context since each node and edge would have only one role in a path even if they appear multiple times in the path.

A path is an unit that has a real-time constraint. A system has a set of paths.

Each Path_i has a set of nodes. The starting point of Path_i is Node S. The end point of Path_i is Node E. Path_i would have the other nodes Node N between Node S and Node E. Node S and Node E would be a same node if a function that has a real-time constraint is implemented in one node.

Node S is invoked (released) at every p_i period. The release time of j-th job of Path_i is r_{i,j}. Node S would be immediately executed at the release time if Node S is immediately scheduled at the release time by the scheduler of operating system. Node S would not be executed immediately at the release if other nodes are selected to be scheduled on CPUs.

Node N and Node E can be executed once each node subscribes a depending topic in Path_i, i.e., the nodes of Path_i is executed sequentially.

A latency of a j-th job of Path_i is presented by l_{i,j}, which is the latency between r_{i,j} and the completion of j-th job of Node E. l_{i,j} may be larger than p_i.

The relative deadline of Path_i is d_i. If l_{i,j} <= d_i for all j, Path_i meets its real-time constraint.

The period p_i and the relative deadline d_i does not have the parameter j since this formulation assumes that p_i and d_i are static parameters, which are not changed at run-time.


# System Requirement Related Component
Requirement 1 The system shall detect deadline misses (i.e., l_{i,j} > d_i). Topic State Monitor
Requirement 2 The system can trigger some actions once deadline misses are detected. Emergency Handler


  • The relative deadline d_i of Path_i has static value. d_i does not change at runtime with change in for example the velocity of ego-vehicle. This limitation comes from the assumption that d_i shall be the minimum value that can be safe in a given ODD.
  • Not interupt callback or node execution
  • Not control over error handling outside of autoware (e.g. anomal detection using heart-beats on the hardware side)


The design of Topic State Monitor focuses on Requirement 1. Requirement 2 is designed in Emergency Handler.

Introduction of Real-Time

Topic State Monitor subscribes the topic published by Node E in Path_i. Topic State Monitor detects a deadline miss of the j-th job of P_i if Topic State Monitor does not subscribe the topic by r_{i,j} + d_i.

Since Topic State Monitor would not subscribe the j-th topic of Node E before the deadline, Topic State Monitor shall detect deadline misses by time-out. Topic State Monitor saves r_{i,j-1} in the initialization phase to calculate the absolute deadline of j-th job in the detection phase. The initialization phase and the detection phase are executed at every j.

Existing timestamp value in each topic may not fit for Dead-line miss detection. Since topic's timestamp may be passed to the next node unchanged from the previous value, or it may be overwritten in current topic. It depentds on each node's specification. To determine using existing timestamp, it is needed to check the specifications of all the nodes in the Path. If it is difficult to use, add a new field for Dead-line miss detection.

Early detection#

If user wants to detect a dead-line miss in the middle of a Path, user specify it by defining multiple Path as bwlow.

  • ex) Whole Path_i is defined as: Node S -> Node N1 -> Node N2 -> Node E
    • early detect on Node S: define additional Path as Node S
    • early detect on Node N2: define additional Path as Node S -> Node N1 -> Node N2
    • detect on Node E: Node S -> Node N1 -> Node N2 -> Node E (same as Path_i)

Initialization Phase#

  1. Node S sets r_{i,j-1} into a topic, and publishes the topic into Path_i.
  2. Node N and Node E relays r_{i,j-1} on topics without modification.
  3. Topic State Monitor saves r_{i,j-1} for the Detection Phase.

Detection Phase#

  1. Topic State Monitor calculates r_{i,j} = r{i,j-1} + p_i.
  2. Topic State Monitor calculates the absolute deadline = r_{i,j} + d_i.
  3. If (1) Topic State Monitor does not subscribe the topic in Path_i and (2) the current time exceeds the absolute deadline, Topic State Monitor publishes the deadline miss event via /diagnostics topic.

Implementation Challenge#

  • How Topic State Monitor handles j = 1
    • r_{i,j-1} is not defined at j = 1. j = 1 is the system initialization. Topic State Monitor could use if-guard or ROS2 node lifecycle to wait the system initialization.
  • How Node S gets r_{i,j-1} in the initialization phase.
    • The design assumes that Node S sets r_{i,j-1} and does not set the start time of Node S into the topic. If the period of Node S is triggered by for example sensor hardware, r_{i,j-1} should consider the latency of the sensor.

Another Design#

This section describes another design that is not employed.

Design Reason why not employed
Topic State Monitor gets r_{i,1}, and calculates r_{i,j} = r_{r,1} + p_i * (j - 1). r_{i,j} might slip forward or backward gradually if p_i stored in Topic State Monitor is not accurate.