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MPC follower description#


A waypoint follower based on model predictive control (MPC) for accurate path tracking. This can be used as a waypoint_follower, as well as other path following nodes like pure_pursuit.

There are 2 nodes related to MPC follower. - /mpc_waypoint_converter : converts /final_waypoints to /mpc_waypoints which includes waypoints behind the self position. This is to solve temporary conflict of planning system and mpc follower so that mpc follower can be used in the same way as pure_pursuit. This will be removed in a future release. - /mpc_follower : generates control command (/twist_raw or/and /ctrl_raw) to follow /mpc_waypoints.

Video : comparison of pure_pursuit and mpc_follower with gazebo simulation.

Input and Output for mpc_follower#

  • input - /mpc_waypoints : reference waypoints (generated in mpc_waypoints_converter) - /current_pose : self pose - /vehicle_status : vehicle information (as velocity and steering angle source)
  • output - /twist_raw : command for vehicle - /ctrl_raw : command for vehicle

node graph#

Parameter description#


The default parameters are adjusted to the AutonomouStuff Lexus RX 450h for under 40 km/h driving.


Name Type Description Default value
show_debug_info bool display debug info false
ctrl_period double control period [s] 0.03
traj_resample_dist double distance of waypoints in resampling [m] 0.1
enable_path_smoothing bool path smoothing flag. This should be true when uses path resampling to reduce resampling noise. true
path_filter_moving_ave_num int number of data points moving average filter for path smoothing 35
path_smoothing_times int number of times of applying path smoothing filter 1
curvature_smoothing_num double index distance of points used in curvature calculation: p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num). larger num makes less noisy values. 35
steering_lpf_cutoff_hz double cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering output command [hz] 3.0
admissible_position_error double stop vehicle when following position error is larger than this value [m]. 5.0
admissible_yaw_error_rad double stop vehicle when following yaw angle error is larger than this value [rad]. 1.57

mpc algorithm#

Name Type Description Default value
qp_solver_type string QP solver option. described below in detail. unconstraint_fast
qpoases_max_iter int maximum iteration number for convex optimization with qpoases. 500
vehicle_model_type string vehicle model option. described below in detail. kinematics
prediction_horizon int total prediction step for MPC 70
prediction_sampling_time double prediction period for one step [s] 0.1
weight_lat_error double weight for lateral error 0.1
weight_heading_error double weight for heading error 0.0
weight_heading_error_squared_vel_coeff double weight for heading error * velocity 5.0
weight_steering_input double weight for steering error (steer command - reference steer) 1.0
weight_steering_input_squared_vel_coeff double weight for steering error (steer command - reference steer) * velocity 0.25
weight_lat_jerk double weight for lateral jerk (steer(i) - steer(i-1)) * velocity 0.0
weight_terminal_lat_error double terminal cost weight for lateral error 1.0
weight_terminal_heading_error double terminal cost weight for heading error 0.1
zero_ff_steer_deg double threshold of feedforward angle [deg]. feedforward angle smaller than this value is set to zero. 2.0


Name Type Description Default value
wheelbase double wheel base length for vehicle model [m] 2.9
steering_tau double steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) for vehicle model [s] 0.3
steer_lim_deg double steering angle limit for vehicle model [deg]. This is also used for QP constraint. 35.0

QP solver type#

currently, the options are - unconstraint : use least square method to solve unconstraint QP with eigen. - unconstraint_fast : similar to unconstraint. This is faster, but lower accuracy for optimization. - qpoases_hotstart : use QPOASES with hotstart for constraint QP.

vehicle model type#

  • kinematics : bicycle kinematics model with steering 1st-order delay
  • kinematics_no_delay : bicycle kinematics model without steering delay
  • dynamics : bicycle dynamics model considering slip angle

The kinematics model are being used as default. Please see the reference[1] for more detail.

how to tune MPC parameters#

  1. Set appropriate vehicle kinematics parameters wheelbase, steering_gear_ratio, and steer_lim_deg. Also check the /vehicle_status topic has appropriate values (speed: vehicle rear-wheels-center velocity [km/h], angle: steering (tire) angle [rad]). These values give a vehicle information to the controller for path following. Errors in these values cause fundamental tracking error. Whether these values are correct can be confirmed by comparing the angular velocity obtained from the model (/mpc_follower/debug/angvel_from_steer) and the actual angular velocity (such as /estimate_twist/angular/z).

  2. Set appropriate vehicle dynamics parameters of steering_tau, which is approximated delay from steering angle command to actual steering angle.

  3. Set weight_steering_input = 1.0, weight_lat_error = 0.1, and other weights to 0. If the vehicle oscillates when driving with low speed, set weight_lat_error smaller.

  4. Adjust other weights. One of the simple way for tuning is to increase weight_lat_error until oscillation occurs. If the vehicle is unstable with very small weight_lat_error, increase terminal weight : weight_terminal_lat_error and weight_terminal_heading_error to improve tracking stability. Larger prediction_horizon and smaller prediction_sampling_time is effective for tracking performance, but it is a trade-off between computational costs. Other parameters can be adjusted like below. - weight_lat_error: Reduce lateral tracking error. This acts like P gain in PID. - weight_heading_error: Make a drive straight. This acts like D gain in PID. - weight_heading_error_squared_vel_coeff : Make a drive straight in high speed range. - weight_steering_input: Reduce oscillation of tracking. - weight_steering_input_squared_vel_coeff: Reduce oscillation of tracking in high speed range. - weight_lat_jerk: Reduce lateral jerk. - weight_terminal_lat_error: Preferable to set a higher value than normal lateral weight weight_lat_error for stability. - weight_terminal_heading_error: Preferable to set a higher value than normal heading weight weight_heading_error for stability.

# reference

[1] Jarrod M. Snider, "Automatic Steering Methods for Autonomous Automobile Path Tracking", Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, February 2009.